

  • 日期:108-02-07
  • 計畫編號:108農科-9.2.2-水-A1(4)
  • 年度:2019
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:陳均龍
  • 研究人員:莊世昌、金建邦

本研究目的係監測臺灣北部海域蟹籠漁業資源及生產經濟現況,自2016年5月~2019年9月已建立12艘標本船資料並蒐集紅星梭子蟹、鏽斑蟳及善泳蟳樣本進行分析。研究結果顯示, IPUE、IPUE、CPUE等指標與往年並無明顯差異,仍呈現秋冬季高峰的趨勢。在生物調查方面,紅星梭子蟹幾乎全年都可採集到抱卵母蟹, 2月、3月、6月及8月的成熟個體較多,鏽斑蟳以4月及6月的成熟個體較多,善泳蟳的3~4月的成熟個體較多。成熟體長部分,紅星梭子蟹50%性成熟甲殼寬為128.80mm;鏽斑蟳50%性成熟甲殼寬為109.71mm,;善泳蟳50%性成熟甲殼寬為87.67mm。進一步比較分析鏽斑蟳及紅星梭子蟹的CPUE年間變動,紅星梭子蟹以2017年整體較佳,鏽斑蟳則是2018年較佳。進一步探討IPUE的年間差異,2017年整體優於2018年,在主要產季則差異更加明顯。


The objectives of this study are to monitor the status of crab pot fishery resources and production economic in the northern waters off Taiwan. In this study, 12 sample vessel data and three-spotted swimming crab (Portunus sanguinolentus) samples were collected to be analyzed. The results indicated the pattern of LPUE, IPUE, landing, and value were similar to past years. The biological investigation results indicated that three-spotted swimming crab can be collected in the entire year, There are more mature individuals in February, March, June and August. In terms of crucifix crab, there are more mature individuals in April and
June. There are many mature individuals of ridged swimming crab from March to April. The estimated three-spotted swimming crab’s body length at 50% maturity was 128.80mm, crucifix crab’s body length at 50% maturity was 109.71, ridged swimming crab’s body length at 50% maturity was 87.67mm. Comparing to yearly changes of CPUE of three-spotted swimming crab and crucifix crab, the estimated value of 2017 was higher for three-spotted swimming crab, but estimated value of 2018 was higher for crucifix crab. Furthermore, the yearly IPUE of 2017 was higher than 2018.