

  • 日期:108-02-10
  • 計畫編號:108農科-9.5.3-水-A1(1)
  • 年度:2019
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:朱惠真
  • 研究人員:林泓廷、黃美瑩、廖哲宏

本計畫主要是研究 Bacillus pumilus D5其胞外產物之抑菌活性及其特性,並且利 用這些特性應用於文蛤的田間試驗上。本計畫的研究結果指出:在B.pumilus D5菌 體培養的抑菌試驗結果發現:菌體培養上層液對於Vibrio anguillarum(鰻弧菌)、 V. vulnificus(創傷弧菌)、Streptococcus agalactiae(無乳鏈球菌)及S. iniae (海豚鏈球菌)有較強的抑菌效果。對5種病原菌最低抑菌濃度試驗發現最低抑菌濃度 為B. pumilus D5上層液稀釋4-8倍,相當於抗生素濃度0.05µg/ml至12.5µg/ml;而 在抑菌60小時之試驗,以抑制弧菌的效果最佳,在抑菌物質稀釋10倍後作用60小時 仍可以維持99%的抑菌率,在特性分析部份,不同溫度之影響下,80℃熱處理15分鐘 後仍對鏈球菌有50%的抗菌活性,在酸鹼環境下對鏈球菌有100%的抗菌活性,利用 6種酵素作用D5胞外物質後測試抗菌活性,發現抑菌物質對pronase E(鏈黴蛋白酶 E)、proteinase K(蛋白酶K)及lipase(脂肪酶) 具有高度敏感性。最後將此抑菌物 質進行純化,將抗鏈球菌及的物質析出,最後透過螢光顯微鏡所偵測的螢光訊號強 度,也證實此抗菌物質是藉由破壞病原菌的細胞膜來達到抑菌的效果。根據本研究 所得到抗菌物質的特性,將利用在文蛤的田間試驗,期許以最少的限制條件下達到 最佳的抑菌效果,也減少文蛤疾病的產生。


The aim of this research is to find the antimicrobial substances from Bacillus pumilus D5 and analysis its antibacterial activity and characteristics, and then we will use the results for field experiments of hard clams. In this study we find the growth of aquaculture pathogens, like S. agalactiae, S.iniae, V. anguillarum and V.vulnificus, were inhibited by cell-free supernatant of D5, and the supernatant of mid-stationary phase D5 could show the highest antimicrobial activity.   

The second step we use the agar diffusion to test the growth inhibition of S. agalactiae, S. iniae, V. anguillarum and V. vulnificus incubated with B. pumilus D5 supernatant from various cultural time during 60 hours, V. anguillarum could keep the 99.9% antimicrobial activity after 60 hours, MICs of cell-free supernatant of D5 for five pathogens, ranged from 4 to 8 dilute times as the concentration of ampicillin ranged from 0.05 to 12.5µg/ml.  

To obtain a preliminary characterization of the antimicrobial substance, we analyzed its stability in a wide range of pH and temperature conditions and after treatments with six kinds of enzymes. The purified substance was stable at pH 2-10, and treatment with 80°C and 100°C for at least 10 min showed 50% antimicrobial activity, Pepsin, proteinase K and lipase tested - 1 - 1082297 • • showed more effect on the antimicrobial activity of the B. pumilus D5 supernatant. To investigate the nature of the antimicrobial molecule, we performed a preliminary purification of the bioactive compound by using a reverse phase column and eluted with acetonitrile in different ratios. The obtained fractions were tested to evaluate the antimicrobial activity on Streptococcus spp. Fluorescence microscopy analyses showed that the major antimicrobial mechanism of the purified substance from D5 supernatant appeared to involve disruption of the pathogens cell membranes.