

  • 日期:108-02-10
  • 計畫編號:108農科-9.3.2-水-A1(1)
  • 年度:2019
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:陳冠如
  • 研究人員:蕭玉晨、楊順德

本計畫擬針對臺灣本土淡水水生物進行繁殖飼育以建立種原保存進而探討合理利用 。在本年度中除持續建立鰟鮍魚類、粗首馬口鱲、羅漢魚及臺灣石賓之繁殖方式 ,另外也確認粗馬口首鱲種魚於繁殖期間可重複誘導產卵及注射後種魚可不經採卵 而在養殖槽內自行產卵並孵化出魚苗。將持續研究確立種魚選育、魚卵孵化、魚苗 飼育的方式,期能建立再現性高的魚苗量產模式。


More than 150 freshwater fish species have been identified in Taiwan. One fifth of them are endemic species or subspecies. Unfortunately ,the populations of many species have been declined because of human causes and environmental changes. Moreover, the exotic species have invased in the freshwater areas and have threaten the native population. This project is accordingly conducted to keep and breed those indigenous fish species as well as to develop the farming protocol. This year, we continue to establish the breeding methods of bitterling fish, Taiwan chub(Opsariichthys pachycephalus) , stone morocco(Pseudorasbora parva) and Taiwan torrent carp (Acrossocheilus paradoxus). In addition, it is also confirmed that mature Taiwan chub can be induced spawning repeatedly during the breeding period and the fish can spontaneous spawning  without artificial stripped after injection . This study will continue to explore the methods of fish brood breeding, fertilized eggs hatching and nursery feeding ,   to establish a repeatability model for  fish fry breeding.