

  • 日期:108-02-10
  • 計畫編號:108農科-9.3.2-水-A1(3)
  • 年度:2019
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:白志年
  • 研究人員:朱元南、劉擎華、楊順德

    本計畫的目的在於探討創新性清淤設備,以解決養殖期間的淤泥問題,試驗內 容主要進行養蝦試驗池與對照池的比較。試驗池於池塘中央設置清淤機排除底泥 ,對照池則採一般排水排汙。結果顯示;在排除管路積淤後,對照組平均排汙量只 剩6.9ml/L,而試驗池清淤機在運轉第1圈平均排汙量為28.9ml/L,第2圈平均排汙量 為17.3ml/L。由此可證,清淤機在養殖期間具有清除底泥的功效。


This study had conducted to research the novel sediment removing machine to reduce the bottom pollution of shrimp ponds during the farming period. In this experiment, we carried out the comparing of the pond which working with the sediment removing machine with the control pond. The test pond was device with sediment removing machine, while the control pond was drain as usually. The results showed that on the control pond the average sediment volume was 6.9ml/L only after the sediment of drain pipe was removed, while on test pond the average sediment volume was 28.9ml/L at the first circle work of the sediment removing machine, and that was 17.3ml/L at the second circle work. The experiment proved that the work of sediment removing machine have function for sediment remove of pool bottom at shrimp breeding period.