

  • 日期:108-02-12
  • 計畫編號:108農科-17.2.2-水-A2(1)
  • 年度:2019
  • 領域:農業資源循環產業創新
  • 主持人:劉恩良
  • 研究人員:楊順德、黃德威、楊清富、王志瑋

本計畫擬結合水生植物與田螺養殖,提高魚菜系統中氮元素與其他營養鹽之利用率 。田螺亦為我國傳統養殖水產品之一,除了是原生物種與食用物種外, 亦是水域河 川污染指標性生物,經由相關研究得知田螺種苗由孵化後約3-4月為較快速成長時期 ,可利用魚池養殖空間不影響原養殖物放養並有助於清除池中有機物。實驗結果顯 示:1.銀鱸的生長三組都無太大差異,實驗期間各組皆無魚隻死亡。苦草生長情況 對照組最佳,兩組實驗組略低於對照組。石田螺方面養殖在植栽床0.084 g增重略優 於養殖在沉澱桶0.06 g。2. 預期希望石田螺能消耗底泥的生成,實驗組與對照組相 比,底泥無減少。3. 水質,硝酸鹽各組皆在安全範圍內300 ppm以下,氨氮也皆在 安全範圍內1 ppm以下,亞硝酸在對半及沉澱兩組有一時超過安全值0.25 ppm,但經 少量換水後就無繼續累積的情況,魚隻也無死亡。總氮及硝酸鹽,隨時間增加而會 也累積情況。 4. 含氮量比例可知對照、各半、沉澱三組中氮的利用率分別為 44.36、47.67、39.08 %,相較於文獻以浮筏式魚菜系統種植小白菜氮利用率為 34.4%(Hu et al., 2015),本次試驗的氮的利用較佳,可能原因為水生植物苦草吸 收氮的效果優於小白菜。另外,小型魚菜共生系統具有生態展示、休閒娛樂及心理 療癒的潛能與商機。為使魚菜共生栽培及養殖系統達到平衡,系統之養殖密度、栽 培密度、硝化及過濾均需合理的計算與驗證,降低一般大眾進入魚菜共生系統時所 遭遇的系統建置門檻,提供可參考應用監控的模組系統。將分別依照不同的場域設 計出符合功能的展示平台,同時針對這些各具功能的系統進行應用推廣,使之逐漸 形成產業聚落。


The project plans to combine aquatic plants with snail farming to improve the utilization of nitrogen and other nutrients in the aquaponics system. Tianluo is also one of the traditional aquaculture products in Taiwan. In addition to the original species and edible species, it is also an indicator of river pollution in the waters. According to relevant research, it is known that the seedlings of snails are relatively fast growing from about 3-4 months after hatching. The available fish pond culture space does not affect the stocking of the original culture and helps to remove organic matter from the pond. In addition, the small aquaponics system has the potential and business opportunities for ecological display, recreation and psychological healing. In order to balance the aquaculture and hydroponic system of aquaponics, the system's culture density, cultivation density, nitrification and filtration need reasonable calculation and verification, which can reduce the system - 1 - 1082434 construction threshold encountered by the general public when entering the aquaculture part. Refer to the module system for application monitoring. The display platform that conforms to the function will be designed according to different fields, and the application of these functional systems will be promoted to form an industrial settlement.