

  • 日期:108-02-12
  • 計畫編號:108農科-9.2.3-水-A1(2)
  • 年度:2019
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:翁進興
  • 研究人員:吳龍靜、賴繼昌、藍揚麒、何珈欣、余淑楓、陳秋月、洪國軒、黃星翰、張致銜

本研究於108年4月30日及6月1日在彰化西部離岸之台電測風塔附近海域進行2航次海 藻與貝類養殖設施之佈設,共計完成1組水面浮式、1組水面延繩式及2組水下浮式養 殖設施之設置,進行牡蠣、黑蝶貝、貽貝等貝類離岸養殖試驗。並於108年3月20日 、4月30日、6月1日、7月30日、9月6日及10月4日進行貝類成長與死亡率調查及貝類 放養。由於離岸養殖設施一再遭受破壞及放養之貝類被竊取,因此,僅於7月30日 (夏季)取得1次貝類成長資料。夏季期間,離岸養殖之牡蠣,殼長無明顯增長,死亡 率14.6%,遠低傳統潮間帶養殖之牡蠣;黑蝶貝之死亡率高達82.9%,且死亡都均為 較大型貝,因此其平均殼長不增反減;貽貝平均殼長增長8.5mm,死亡率為47.1%。 離岸養殖設施附近發現有大量雙帶鰺幼魚聚集,顯示本養殖設施亦具有魚礁之功能 。本研究亦進行海洋環境調查包括磷酸鹽類、矽酸鹽類、硝酸鹽類、氨鹽類及葉綠 素濃度之調查。


In this study, one surface floating longline and two underwater floating breeding facilities were set up in the vicinty waters of Taipower wind measurement tower, in the offshore waters of western Changhua, on April 30 and June 1, 2019, for breeding the oysters, Pinctada margaritifera, mussels. Their growth and mortality data were collected on March 20, April 30, June 1, July 30, September 6 and October 4, 2019. The shellfish growth data were obtained only on July 30, summer, due to the offshore breeding facilities were destroied and the theft of shellfish. During the summer, the shell length of offshore breeding oysters did not increase significantly, with a mortality rate of 14.6%, which is much lower than that of traditional intertidal oyster culture. The average shell length of Pinctada margaritifera was decrease due to the death of the larger shells, and its mortality rate was 82.9%. The average shell length of mussels increased about 8.5mm, and the mortality rate was 47.1%. A large number of Elagatis bipinnulata juveniles have gathered near the offshore aquaculture facility, indicating that this aquaculture facility also functions as a reef. This study also conducted marine environmental surveys including phosphate, silicate, nitrate, ammonia and chlorophyll concentrations.