
農委會農業菁英培訓計畫-鰻魚洄游產卵之 生態資源研究

  • 日期:108-02-12
  • 計畫編號:108農科-1.1.5-科-a8
  • 年度:2019
  • 主持人:周爰瑱



Marine fishes commonly transition between distinct habitats throughout their lifetime, particularly in larval and juvenile life stages. Such transitions are essential as the environmental demands and predation pressures experienced by fishes change dramatically with increases in body size. Understanding the nature of habitat use, habitat connectivity and ontogenetic timing of habitat transitions is key to establishing management practices covering whole life histories for commercially, recreationally and ecologically significant species. Tracing migrations of larval and juvenile fishes in coastal habitats are extremely challenging. Fishes are too small for most conventional tagging approaches and high natural mortality means large tagging programs are needed. Otolith reading and microchemistry is an attractive alternative for reconstructing high-resolution movements, where fishes move across chemical gradients. Until recently otolith microchemistry has largely focused on discriminating between populations rather than exploring temporal trends within individual fish. This project will build on recent collaborative experimental, observational and theoretical work to develop new approaches to using otolith microchemistry to explore habitat transitions in marine fishes. In the first year of the project, we used mackerel(Scomber scombrusas) as a model species to explore whether otolith oxygen isotope could be a replacement for the tag. Firstly, we collected egg surveys from ICES. Secondly, we used Ariane and the ocean circulation model Nemo (NEMO) to stimulate the migration path of mackerel and then applied the environmental data to calculate otolith oxygen isotope value. The last part is that we analyzed the differences between different migratory paths. The results show that the mackerel could be divided into four main type of migration routes. The first type of migration is traveling along the Irish Sea to the North Sea, and the second type is following the coast along the west coast of Ireland. The third type is migrate toward the south, and the fourth type is remaining in the southern part of the island of Ireland. The figure of temperature which was experienced by different types of migratory types shown little difference in summer. However, after the fall, the figure was clearly different. The otolith oxygen isotope also reflects the difference. It is indicated that otolith oxygen isotopes have potential as bio-tracking.