

  • 日期:108-02-12
  • 計畫編號:108農科-1.3.5-水-A1
  • 年度:2019
  • 領域:農業科技管理及產業化
  • 主持人:吳豐成
  • 研究人員:楊順德、謝恆毅、曾福生、蔡惠萍、杜金蓮、陳鏗元、陳 建彰、王敏儒、江姿吟、鄭維毅、陳榮華、張凱傑

(一) 優質九孔之選育與技術整合應用(水產養殖組) 為了解105年建立的九孔(Haliotis diversicolor)精子的冷凍保存精子的實用性 ,經修正之冷凍處理精子經冷凍保存20個月,在23-25 °C受精,精液的濃度為2.646 109 mL和臺灣母貝之卵子進行授精與後續存活率觀察,結果於受精後約1個小時,可 觀察到約20%之受精卵已陸續開始分裂之現象,於受精後27天即可以數位顯微鏡觀察 到九孔苗。

(二)臺灣重要經濟性養殖魚貝類精液冷凍保存-(東部海洋生物研究中心) 以藍身大石斑 Epinephelus tukula 及牙鮃Paralichthys olivaceus之精液為實驗 材料,對精子稀釋液、抗凍劑種類和適宜濃度之冷凍保存液進行篩選。結果顯示利 用Hank’s稀釋液、海水魚生理食鹽水及EM1-2稀釋液均適合於藍身大石斑精子冷凍 保存,分別以500 μl冷凍麥管 (Cryo-straw) )為容器並將之凍結保存於液態氮中 ,解凍後精子活力可達90.00%±1.00、89.67%±1.53及85.67%±4.04。另利用 Hank’s稀釋液為基礎稀釋液對抗凍劑保護劑進行篩選試驗,針對二甲基乙砜 (DMSO)、丙二醇(Propylene Glycol,PG) 、甘油(Glycerin)和甲醇(Methanol) 4種 抗凍劑進行篩選試驗,結果顯示以DMSO及PG均較適合作為其抗凍劑,解凍後精子活 力可達89.67%±2.08及86.67%±2.52。抗凍劑較適濃度測試則以10%、15%和20%的 DMSO冷凍保存後精子活力與新鮮精液無顯著差異(P>0.05),其中以15%DMSO冷凍保存 精子效果最佳,解凍後精子活力可達87.67%±1.53。而牙鮃冷凍精液試驗結果以 MPRS及Hank’s稀釋液冷凍保存精子其活力較佳,同樣以500 μl冷凍麥管為容器並 將之凍結保存於液態氮中,解凍後精子活力為56.67%±2.08及53.67%±3.21。利用 MPRS稀釋液為基礎稀釋液對抗凍劑保護劑進行篩選試驗,結果顯示15% DMSO 冷凍保 存後精子活力最佳,其冷凍保存精子解凍後精子活力可達57.00%±2.65。本試驗已初 步完建立藍身大石斑及牙鮃的精液冷凍保存技術,為藍身大石斑及牙鮃的人工繁殖 及雜交育種提供基礎材料。

(三)吳郭魚種原之產業應用(淡水繁養殖研究中心) 本計畫之主軸為吳郭魚種原之產業應用,本年度之研究與應用包含下列3個項目 (1)持續技轉遺傳雄性尼羅吳郭魚技術 (2)推廣快速成長尼羅吳郭魚苗50萬尾 (3)進 行多雌成長遺傳研究,以遺傳標誌定位多雌成長遺傳特性,以應用於吳郭魚選育。 本年度的技轉部分已簽約2家廠商並完成技術輔導,預計2年後可以穩定生產全雄性 吳郭魚苗。推廣魚苗的部份則已完成50萬尾量產,推廣26.7萬尾。另外,本研究進 一步確認多雌成長遺傳性狀之分子遺傳標誌,選擇過去繁殖試驗中子代性別比例分 配不均之組別,分析 LG23之UNH898位置週邊的9組微衛星引子, 結果發現GM047、 GM212、UNH898、UNH216及GM631基因座與性別決定有相關性,確立吳郭魚具鑑別力 的分子遺傳標誌5個。

(四)長硨磲蛤優質種苗培育 本年度已完成優質亞成貝之篩選與保種,同時也進行人工繁殖長硨磲蛤三年貝之雄 性生殖腺誘導排精,經與野生成熟種貝排出的卵進行受精,確立長硨磲蛤之完全養 殖技術。此外也利用化學物注射,可成功在野外進行精準時間控制之人工繁殖操作,產生之精卵收精後之胚胎發育亦表現出正常發育。


1.In order to understand practicablity cryopreserved sperm of small abalone (Haliotis diversicolor )sperm, which have established in 2016 and modified frozen semen treatment program , using this sperm that has been cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen (LN) for 20 months under the same thawing conditions fertilized test at concentration of 2.646 109 mL at 23- 25 °C, the survival rate of subsequent fertilized eggs, embryos and juveniles was observed after fertilization. The results showed that about 20% of the fertilized eggs had begun to divide after about one hour after fertilization. In addition, Abalone juvenils can be observed by a digital microscope 27 days after fertilization.

2. In study the cryopreservation of Epinephelus tukula and Paralichthys olivaceus sperm , mature E.tukula semen and P.olivaceus semen were used as experimental material, and concentration of various semen diluents, and concentration of cryoprotectant were screened.We used liquid nitrogen and 0.5 ml cryo-straws to preserve sperms by step cooling procedure. The result showed the cryopreservation of E.tukula semen that Hank’s solution、Marine Fish Ringer and EM1-2 semen duluents was better , which preserved 90.00%±1.00、89.67%±1.53及85.67%±4.04 sperm motility after unfrozen. Using Hank’s solution as the liquid foundation to prepare cryoprotectant, no significant difference was observed in sperm motility by 10%、15% and 20% DMSO (P>0.05) . The best of all is 15% DMSO, which preserved 87.67%±1.53 sperm motility respectively after unfrozen.

   The cryopreservation of P.olivaceus semen that MPRS and Hank’s solution semen diluents was better in sperm motility, which preserved 56.67%±2.08及53.67%±3.21% sperm motility after unfrozen. Using MPRS as the liquid foundation to prepare cryoprotectant, was better , which preserved 90.00%±1.00、89.67%±1.53及85.67%±4.04 sperm motility after unfrozen. It was the best in sperm motilityby 15% DMSO cryopreservation, which preserved 57.00%±2.65 sperm motility respectively after unfrozen. We established a sperm cryopreservation protocol for E.tukula  and P.olivaceus on this study, and it will provide a basis for the artificial breeding and cross breeding.

3.The purpose of this program is to provide the tilapia industry with new techniques that were developed by the Germplasm Bank of Freshwater Fish, Fisheries Research Institute. These techniques will be promoted to the industry with following goals to enhance the competitive strength. (1)  The technology transfer of genetically male tilapia. (2)  The supply of 500,000 fries of Nile tilapia with the feature of high growth rate. (3)  The application of molecular protocols to analysis the reason of low male-ratio of tilapia fry.

    The technology genetically male tilapia has licensed for two companies this year, and it is expected that the fry will be stably produced after 2 years. In addition, we try to analyze the sexdetermining locus of genetically female and found GM047, GM212, UNH898, UNH216 and GM631 loci were correlated with sex determination. 4.Qualified individuals of Tridacna maxima with target colorations and patterns were selected.  Spermiation of 3-year-old clams were successfully induced and fertilized with eggs from mature wild-caught adult.  Through aquaculture of artificially produced T. maxima was proved completed.  Serotonin injection (chemically induced method) in the field was carried out and spermiation and spawn were successfully induced.  Fertilization and further larval development of T. maxima from chemically induced sperm and eggs were also observed.