

  • 日期:108-02-12
  • 計畫編號:108農科-9.3.3-水-A1(2)
  • 年度:2019
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:陳富美
  • 研究人員:何源興、陳鏗元、陳玉萍、黃侑勖、黃君毅、莊傑元

1.石斑魚雜交(自交)技術研究:本研究進行鞍帶石斑 (Epinephelus lanceolatus)及點帶石斑 (E. coioides)雜交之可行性探討,107年初完成2種石斑種原之收集保存。鞍帶石斑公魚於1月份起調控水溫至27±1°C,點帶石斑母魚於5月份起調控水溫至27±1°C,並餵飼竹筴魚、鯖魚、鰹魚及秋刀魚等高脂質、高蛋白的餌料,以促進其生殖巢的發育,並於5、9及10等3個月份利用荷爾蒙LHRH-A2及HCG實施點帶石斑人工注射催熟實驗,總計取得點帶石斑2542g魚卵和鞍帶石斑120ml精液。今年度所進行之人工雜交試驗並無受精,經探討鞍帶石斑公魚的精子在顯微鏡下觀察游動力正常,故推測是點帶石斑母魚成熟度不足所致。
2.牙鮃繁養殖技術研究:本年度研究溫差調整誘導牙鮃(Paralichthys olivaceus)於人工飼養環境下自然產卵及受精。於1月4日起牙鮃產季開始,平均每日可收100-150g的卵,良率約4成,本年度收集總受精卵量超過200g。魚苗以水溫21±1°C之深層海水混合少量表層海水進行飼育,攝餌情況正常,成長情形良好。另進行不同養殖階段最適養殖密度試驗,試驗結果在仔魚7g階段其最適養殖密度為100隻/m2(增重率為596.71±6.96%);在體重100g時,最適養殖密度為60隻/m2(增重率為99.57±8.11%)。

3.瓜子鱲繁養殖技術研究:本試驗主要探討飼料中添加不同種類與不同濃度之藻類熱萃取物對瓜子鱲(Girella punctata)成長效果與非特異免疫能力之影響。試驗結果顯示投餵對照組、石蓴1%、石蓴2%、海木耳1%、海木耳2%、昆布1%以及昆布2%等7組不同飼料6週後,在體重、增重率及每日成長率等3項成長表現指標數據,各組之間並無顯著差異;非特異免疫能力影響的部分,本試驗以瓜子鱲血清中溶菌酶活性(Lysozyme)及超氧歧化酶濃度(SOD)做為觀察指標;溶菌酶活性各試驗組數值均高於對照組,其中又以海木耳2%(5577.78±1690.64 unit/mL)及昆布2%(5592.59±2150.20 unit/mL)這兩組數值顯著高於其他各組;超氧歧化酶濃度亦有相同趨勢,投餵試驗飼料之各組數值均較對照組高。
4.海藻培育及利用之研究:本研究針對鋸齒麒麟菜(Eucheuma serra)進行種苗生產試驗及粗萃取物之萃取技術研發,冀能提高海藻的附加價值及利用性。本研究已完成鋸齒麒麟菜的保種及成長條件參數之篩選。萃取研究方面,分為熱萃組、高溫高壓組及均質組,發現總糖量以熱水萃取效果最好,總酚含量則以高溫高壓組及均質組較佳,抗氧化能力中螯合亞鐵離子能力及超氧陰離子清除率皆以高溫高壓組最佳。


1.The study of hybridization and inbreeding of groupers: The purpose of this study is to investigate the availability of the hybridization of giant grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus) and orange-spotted grouper (E. coioides). Both parental fish have been collected in early 2018. We adjusted the water temperature at 27±1°C for male giant grouper and female orange-spotted grouper. At the same time, fish were fed with
Japanese scad, mackerel, and the skipjack tuna in order to enhance the gonadal development. We performed LHRH-A2 and HCG artificial maturation experiments in May, September and October. Totally, we obtained 2542 g fish eggs and 120 ml fish milt. However, there were no successful fertilization occurred, though we raised the female fish culture temperature above 28°Cand modified the concentrations of LHRH-A2 and HCG. Since the fish sperms still showed good motility, we suspected that the failure of artificial fertilization might be due to the immaturity of the eggs.

2.Cultivation and propagation of the flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus: The temperature stimulation successfully induces spawning and fertilization of the olive flounder (P. olivaceus). The broodstock began to spawn on January 4 (average of 100-150g of eggs per day). A total of 200g fertilized eggs were collected. The fertilization rate was 40%. The fry breeding with deep seawater and surface seawater, the feeding condition and growth well (Temp. = 21±1°C). In addition, the optimum stocking density test in different breeding stages (7g and 100g). The result showed that the fish in the larvae stage(7g) stocked with the lowest stocking density (100 fish/ m2 ) resulted in best weight gain rate (596.71±6.96%). In the juvenile stage (100g) stocked with 60 fish/ m2 density in best weight gain rate (99.57±8.11%).

3.Cultivation and propagation of the small scale black fish ( Girella spp.): In this study we want to compare the results of add extracts of different sort and different concentration of algae in the diets to feed the girella (Girella punctata) for six weeks, and collect the growth performance, weight gain, SGR, SOD and Lysozyme data of girella, try to find if different diets would have impact of the growth performance and non-specific immunity of girella. After the experiment, we analyze the data of growth performance, weight gain, SGR, SOD and Lysozyme. In conclusion, there is no significant difference in growth performance, weight gain and SGR of girella for feed different diets; In the Lysozyme analysis, we found the groups which feed extracts of Sarcodia ceylanica (5577.78±1690.64 unit/mL)and sea-tangle (5592.59±2150.20 unit/mL)up to 2% in the diets, have better value and significant difference with other groups. The SOD analysis have same trend as Lysozyme, the experiment groups all have better values than control group.

4.The cultivation and utilization of the ingredients of seaweeds: This study is aimed at the seedling cultivate test and to develop the crude extraction technique of Eucheuma serra, which can improve the additional value and utilization of seaweed. In this study, the seedling cultivate mode of E. serra has been completed. In the crude extraction technique experiment, we divided the samples into hot
extraction group, high temperature and pressure extraction group and homogenization extraction group. In conclusion, the data demonstrates that the total sugar of hot extraction group had significantly higher values than other groups; total phenol of high temperature and pressure extraction group and homogenization extraction group were significantly higher than hot extraction group; The antioxidant capacity, high temperature and pressure extraction group has best values in abilities to scavenge superoxide anion and chelate ferrous ion.