

  • 日期:108-02-12
  • 計畫編號:108農科-9.5.4-水-A1(1)
  • 年度:2019
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:何源興
  • 研究人員:城振誠、鄭明忠、葉怡均、江玉瑛、吳鍺湘

1.黑副雀鯛 (Neoglyphidodon melas) 種魚在人工環境下自然產卵,受精卵呈淡白 色至淡黃色,為長橢圓形、分離之沉性黏著卵,受精卵之平均長徑為 1.58 ±0.06 mm (平均長 ±標準偏差);平均短徑為 0.71 ±0.02 mm;卵黃長徑為 1.06 ±0.07 mm;短徑為 0.69 ±0.03 mm,內有單一油球,油球徑 0.28 ±0.02 mm在水溫 28 ±1 ℃ 時約 106 小時後開始孵化,仔魚孵化全長為 2.86 ±0.12 mm,初期餌料生 物為纖毛蟲、輪蟲及橈腳類,並添加微藻來穩定水質及滋養輪蟲。仔魚在 37.2 ℃ 熱緊迫下開始出現死亡,至38.5 ℃ 時試驗組全數死亡;而在15.1 ℃ 低溫下 開始出現死亡,降溫至13.2 ℃ 時試驗組全數死亡。

2.紅線鞭腕蝦 (Lysmata boggessi) 在水溫27±1℃的環境下,初期蝦苗的餌料密度 以豐年蝦無節幼蟲0.5、1、2及4隻/ml對孵化後6天的蝦苗有較佳活存率及成長 ;延遲投餌對蝦苗活存率及成長有不利的影響。溫度方面,蝦苗在18、21、24及 27℃的水溫環境下有較佳的活存率,而成長則以27、30及33℃較佳。鹽度方面 ,蝦苗在24、29、34及39psu的鹽度下有較佳的活存率及成長。本研究顯示紅線鞭 腕蝦蝦苗培育在27℃,鹽度34psu,孵化後立即餵食2-4隻/ml豐年蝦可以在孵化後 36-104天變態為底棲性的後期蝦苗。


1.This study is aimed to understand the reproductive behavior, larval culture of Neoglyphidodon melas under artificial environment of Neoglyphidodon melas and other relevant materials. Besides, we hope the result of the study can reduce the trade of wild fish in the ornamental fish market in the future. The results showed these adhesive demersal eggs are white to yellow and ellipsoidal, and were about 1.58 ±0.06 mm(Mean ±SD) in total length and 0.71 ±0.02 mm in width. The yolks were about 1.06 ±0.07 mm long and contained several oil droplets with diameters ranging from 0.28 ±0.02 mm and the newly hatched larvae were about 2.86 ±0.12 mm in length. Parental care behaviors for the ovum occurred after spawning to hatching and it indicates that parental behavior is mainly carried out by males. Incubation period was approximately 106 h at the water temperature of 28 ±1 ℃. The biological feedings for Blue Devil at initial larvae stage was ciliate, rotifer and copepod. Microalgae was added to stabilize water quality and to nourish rotifers. The supply of feedings should be applied at the same time. Under heat stress experiments, blue devil was caused to die at 37.2 ℃, and all fish die when the temperature reached to 38.5 ℃. In the low temperature tolerance test, fish cause to die at 15.1 ℃ and all fish die at 13.2 ℃.

2.This study aimed to artificial propagation of Peppermint Shrimp( Lysmata boggessi Rhyne &Lin, 2006). Larva feeding with the nauplii of Artemia spp. at 0.5-4/ml had better survival rate and growth on 6 dph (days post hatch). The survival rate and growth were better in which salinity at 24-39psu. Survival rate and growth decreased as larva were not fed on instantly hatched. Batter survival rate was obtained in which were raised during the 18, 21, 24 and 27℃, but better growth was obtained at 27,30 and 33℃. Overall, better survival rate and growth would be obtained under raising at 27℃, 34psu, and feeding with the nauplii of Artemia nauplii at 2- 4/ml. Larva were developing to postlarva at 36-104dph.