

  • 日期:108-02-12
  • 計畫編號:108農科-13.2.8-水-A1
  • 年度:2019
  • 領域:智慧科技農業
  • 主持人:鄭明忠
  • 研究人員:葉怡均、江玉瑛

針對模廠環境設施改善工程以現有模場空間改良,進行系統化改善以利完成自動化 養殖試驗。本計畫進行水質自動監控及記錄、數據收集及產能分析,透過進行物種 階段式養殖試驗並自動化收集水質、水溫、環境等資料提供設施化養殖參考。養殖 環境與水質監控感測系統以更精準與低成本之感測與聯網功能提供實際養殖場運用 。除此之外,藉由影像處理辨識技術,以辨識海葵魚種魚之錄影影像,辨識技術 (演算法)包含雙鏡頭(魚缸上方與側方)錄影影像融合辨識演算法、魚體移動軌跡 追蹤演算法、魚體標籤演算法。本系統將紀錄產卵前、產卵中及護卵等活動狀況進 行記錄。

培養觀賞水族養殖環境監控與智能模組化設施設備,並藉由具經濟效益之養殖場域 環境模組化改良,透過單元式模組結合智能環控設備,作為未來推廣模組規格化設 施(如感控聯網系統、智慧回饋控制、養殖供氧及投餵設備)之跨域產業聯盟,有效 落實產業上下游整合。


Aim of the project is to build the artificial intelligent systems on aquaculture by improving the factory facilities. First, we will collect the relative data for base information such as water quality, growth rate and food pellets of fish. We will build the ornamental aquaculture environment by using unit intelligent system for monitoring the environment and industry development (such as sensor-controlling network system, smart feedback controlling system, breeding equipment). It can link the cross-domain industry and integrate the upstream and downstream industry. AI species fish behavior image recognition system can improve our understanding to the fish behavior. We can decrease the illness and pressure on fish by automated collecting the data to expand the utilization of AI on Ornamental fish aquaculture.