

  • 日期:107-02-20
  • 計畫編號:107農科-9.1.2-水-A2
  • 年度:2018
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:江偉全
  • 研究人員:周爰瑱、許紅虹、蔡富元、張景淳

本研究採用彈脫型衛星標識紀錄器(PSAT),於臺灣東部海域利用傳統鮪延繩釣漁法 作業方式將標識器配置於鮪旗魚類。自2017年12月至2018年11月止總計標識2尾劍旗 魚及4尾大目鮪,標識器在劍旗魚魚體記錄時間為14及20天,標識地點與標識器彈脫 位置點直線距離為631及1,605公里,下潛深度達559.5及914.5公尺,棲息海域水溫 為26.7°C 至4.9°C。標識器在大目鮪魚體記錄時間為47天,該紀錄器脫落後則順利 尋回,標識地點與彈脫地點之直線距離為269.4公里,標識後大目鮪往東南移動,但 未發現大規模之移動行為,棲息深度與溫度範圍分別為0-1,036公尺及26-4.2℃。劍 旗魚與大目鮪棲息深度白天與夜間都具有顯著性的差異,夜間喜好棲息於水表層 ,白天則有頻繁性的下潛行為,並且於黃昏期間上升至表層,直到黎明時在下潛至 深度。劍旗魚與大目鮪跟隨著深海散射層的獵物進行晝夜垂直移動,能更有效的利 用獵物資源,且該兩魚種其有獨特之生理和型態之適應性維持體內溫度,因此可下 淺至溫躍層以下之低水溫水層。


To investigate billfish and tuna movement patterns, pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs) were deployed using the traditional tuna longline fisheries of southeastern Taiwan (Taitung). Depth, temperature and ambient light data were recorded by the PSATs. In total, 2 swordfish and 4 bigeye tuna were tagged between Dec 2017 to Nov 2018 and PSATs remain affixed from 14 and 20 days-at-liberty from swordfish. Linear displacements ranged from 631 and 1605 km from deployment to pop-up locations. Diving depths ranged from the surface to 914.5 and 559.5 m and water temperatures occupied ranged from 26.7°C to 4.9°C. Bigeye tuna, after 47 days-at-liberty, the PSAT was physically retrieved and in aggregate. The linear displacement was 269.4 km from deployment to pop-up location. After tagging the bigeye tuna moved south, but we did not find large-scale movement. Habitat depth and experienced temperatures ranged from 0 to 1,036 m and from 26 - 4.2 °C, respectively. Swordfish and bigeye tuna the distributions of time spent at depth were significantly different between daytime and nighttime and at dusk, the fish ascended into the surface layer and remained there until the following dawn. Swordfish and bigeye tuna follow the diel vertical movements of prey organisms comprising the deep sound scattering layer (SSL) to exploit them effectively as a resource and can maintain their body temperature for longer periods below the thermocline. Because of its unique physiological and morphological adaptations (such as vascular countercurrent heat exchangers) it can search for food resources more effectively than other fishes.