

  • 日期:107-02-20
  • 計畫編號:107農科-9.2.2-水-A1(2)
  • 年度:2018
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:周爰瑱
  • 研究人員:吳瑞賢、蔡富元、許紅虹、林憲忠、張景淳、江偉全

本研究以2003-2018年臺東縣新港魚市場所量測之88,902尾鬼頭刀之樣本(雌魚 54,717尾,雄魚34,185尾)及2012-2018年鬼頭刀延繩釣樣本船作業資料進行體長頻 度、性比、作業漁場及漁獲組成分析,結果顯示鬼頭刀之盛漁期分別為4~6月(夏季 )及10~12月(秋冬季)。月別漁獲鬼頭刀體長組成顯示夏季群之漁獲體長較大於秋冬 季,且依體長分析指出7-8月及11-12月可能有兩個加入群進入臺灣東部海域。漁獲 鬼頭刀性比顯示雌魚佔較優勢,總性比為0.62,但隨體長增加雄魚比例越高,因此 雄魚體長較大於雌魚。體長分布變動顯示,近年來鬼頭刀漁獲可能因漁業之利用使 臺灣東部海域鬼頭刀漁獲體型年間分布均有變小之趨勢,其中以雌魚較為明顯。調 查鬼頭刀延繩釣標本船各月別作業海域顯示,有75%的作業航次主要集中分佈於新港 外海作業,1~3月主要於新港外海作業為主,4~6月鬼頭刀主盛漁期間作業海域有向 南移動的情形,7~9月期間則又回到新港外海作業,直到10~12月鬼頭刀次盛漁期作 業水域則向北偏移至至花蓮海域的趨勢。


In this study, length-frequency and sex ratio (proportion of females) of dolphinfish were analyzed based on 88,902 (54,717 were females and 34,185 were males) samples measured in Shingkang fish market during 2003 to 2018, and catch compositions and fishing grounds of dolphinfish longline fishery were also explored based on the catch records collected from sampling vessels operated during 2012 to 2018. The sex ratio shows that females are dominant, with a total ratio of 0.62. The proportion of male becomes higher than females when body length increased. The results of indicators related to length distributions indicated that the caches of dolphinfish in the eastern waters of Taiwan tend to be small in recent years, especially for females. The results of this study indicated that fishing exploitation might have led to the decreases in the body size in recent years. About 75% of the dolphinfish longline vessels operated in the waters off Shingkang from January to March. The longline vessels tended to operate in the southeastern waters from April to June and returned to offshores of Shingkang for operations from July to September. Then, they moved northward to waters off Hualien from October to December.