

  • 日期:107-02-20
  • 計畫編號:107農科-9.2.2-水-A1(5)
  • 年度:2018
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:翁進興
  • 研究人員:賴繼昌、藍揚麒、何珈欣、余淑楓、陳秋月、洪國軒、黃星翰

鰆魚為臺灣高經濟價值魚種之一,主要由流刺網、延繩釣及曳繩釣捕獲,不同漁具 漁法之單位努力漁獲量(CPUE)最高月份分別為:流刺網1月的16.06 kg/100km 2 ,延 繩釣5月的9.54 kg/100hooks,曳繩釣4月的39.0kg/ per-day,推估2018年漁獲量約 為800公噸,其體長體重之關係數如下: BW = 0.00001FL 2.8678 (r² = 0.9744, n=896)。 胃內容物分析結果鰆魚主要攝食餌料有藍圓鲹( Decapterus maruadsi )、皮刀魚(Mene maculata ),白帶魚,花腹鯖等等。以穩定同位素分析結果,穩定 同位素δ 15 N 值分佈為4.2~13.5‰,當尾叉長小於40 cm FL時,推估其營養位置在 2.54,當尾叉達58 cm FL時,營養位置在3.9,透過穩定同位素分析本魚種其餌料轉 換體型在55 cm FL.


The Spainsh mackerel ( Scomberomores commerson ) is one of the major commercial fish species in waters of Taiwan. The three different gear types caught of the Spainsh mackerel, and peak months of catch per unit effort (CPUE) of 16.06 kg/100 km 2for drift in January, 9.54 kg/100hooks for longline in May, and 39.0kg/per-day for trolling line in April, respectively. The total catch annual of Spainsh mackerel in Taiwan has been about 800 metric tones in 2018. The relationships between body weight and fork length forScomberomores commersonBW = 0.00001FL 2.8678(r² = 0.9744, n=896). Stomach contents analysis indicated thatScomberomores commersonmainly feed on larvalDecapterus maruadsi ,Mene maculata ,Scomber australasicusandTrichiurus japonicus . Stable isotope analysis indicated that the δ 15 N values ranged between 7.2and 13.5‰, and the estimated trophic position varied from 2.54 for Spainsh mackerel with FL <40 cm, while it reached 3.9for those with FL58 cm. Based on the distinct diet shift of theScomberomores commerson , demonstrated by stable isotope analysis, this study concluded thatScomberomores commersonshift their diet at approximately 50 cm FL.