

  • 日期:107-02-20
  • 計畫編號:107農科-9.3.2-水-A1(2)
  • 年度:2018
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:陳富美
  • 研究人員:何源興、陳鏗元、陳玉萍、黃侑勖、李沛珊

1、石斑魚雜交(自交)技術研究:本研究為鞍帶石斑giant grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus)及點帶石斑orange-spotted grouper (E. coioides)雜交(自交 )之可行性探討,107年初完成2種石斑種原之收集保存。鞍帶石斑於2月份起調控 水溫至29±1℃,點帶石斑調控水溫至27±1℃,並餵飼南魷、鰹魚及秋刀魚等高脂 質、高蛋白的餌料,以促進其生殖巢的發育。並於4、6、8及11等4個月份利用荷 爾蒙LHRH-A2及HCG實施人工注射催熟實驗,總計取得點帶石斑1334g魚卵、鞍帶石 斑1300g魚卵及鞍帶石斑390ml精液。進行兩次雜交試驗,第一次受精率為 96.6±3.2%,孵化率為92.0±2.0%,第二次受精率為88.8±1.5%,孵化率為 49.8±5.0%。兩次自交實驗中點帶石斑公魚只取得少量精液且和排泄物混雜在一起 難以使用,而鞍帶石斑母魚則腹部脹滿經輕擠第一次無法採得魚卵,為防母魚脹 死故採用人為方式將未成熟卵取出,第二次則採得1300g魚卵,但經與鞍帶石斑精 液人工受精,鏡檢後並無受精。

2、牙鮃繁養殖技術研究:本研究利用溫差調整誘導牙鮃(Paralichthys olivaceus )於人工飼養環境下自然產卵及受精,產卵期約1個月,此次共收集到190g受精卵 。受精卵孵化率為60%。牙鮃受精卵在水溫18±1℃下約60小時孵化,剛孵化之魚苗 平均全長為2.12±0.03mm。第3日齡仔魚開始開口攝食,每日投餵輪蟲,並添加微 藻以穩定水質。第24日齡平均全長為9.6mm,開始混投經營養強化的豐年蝦。第 36日齡平均全長為14mm,眼睛位於同一側完成變態階段,沉入池底開始進入底棲 生活,此時混合投餵豐年蝦及人工飼料。另試驗不同培育溫度與鹽度對牙鮃仔魚 成長之影響,試驗結果為培育溫度在20℃與25℃下,仔魚成長無差異。在培育鹽 度34psu與20psu下,牙鮃仔魚可適應20~34psu的鹽度範圍,而不影響成長。

3、瓜子鱲繁養殖技術研究:本研究分二部分,實驗一探討黃帶瓜子鱲(Girella mezina)最佳成長效果之飼料蛋白質含量,實驗二探討在飼料中添加螺旋藻粉作為 取代魚粉蛋白質來源對黃帶瓜子鱲成長效果之影響。實驗一以初始體長 4.16±0.72cm、初始體重6.51±0.53g之黃帶瓜子鱲,調整飼料中添加之魚粉量使飼 料中粗蛋白含量分別為35%、40%、45%及50%,組別分別為CP35、CP40、CP45及 CP50;以不同組別之飼料投餵6週後,增重率分別為79.90±4.96%、97.97±7.87%、 100.20±6.71%與101.88±5.70%,特殊成長率(SGR)分別為1.40±0.01%、 1.63±0.02%、1.65±0.01%與1.67±0.03%,成長效果各項數據均隨著飼料蛋白質含 量提升而有上升之趨勢,以折線迴歸求得黃帶瓜子鱲飼料中最適蛋白質添加量約 為40%。實驗二以螺旋藻粉取代魚粉做為蛋白質來源,投餵初始體長 4.18±0.79cm、初始體重6.61±0.56g之黃帶瓜子鱲,觀察對黃帶瓜子鱲成長效果之 影響試驗;飼料分為5組,以螺旋藻粉取代魚粉做為蛋白質來源製作飼料,取代量 分別為0%、25%、50%、75%及100%,綜合參考前人研究及試驗一結果調整魚粉及螺 旋藻粉之用量,使飼料中粗蛋白含量均為40%,組別分別為SP0、SP25、SP50、 SP75及SP100。投餵6週後,增重率分別為98.70±6.26%、99.68±2.41%、 97.52±1.29%、79.36±6.36%與78.35±5.75%,特殊成長率則分別為1.63±0.01%、 1.65±0.02%、1.62±0.02%、1.39±0.02%與1.38±0.01%,統計分析結果顯示SP0、 SP25與SP50等3組增重率與特殊成長率均顯著高於其餘組別,參考統計分析結果 ,本研究認為黃帶瓜子鱲之飼料中添加螺旋藻粉以取代魚粉之最適取代量可達 50%。

4、經濟性貝類繁養殖技術研究:本研究進行鹽漬海帶表面積大小及浸泡海水時間長 短對九孔(Haliotis diversicolor)成長影響之試驗。試驗第一部分,將浸泡沖洗後之鹽漬海帶切成不同表面積,包括0.52、1、2.52 、52及102 cm 2,連續投餵九孔 10週後,結果以0.52 cm 2組別之九孔乾肉重最小,其次為1cm2之組別。試驗第二部分 ,將鹽漬海帶浸泡於海水並沖洗後再投餵九孔,浸泡時間分別為0、3、6及15小時 ,連續投餵8週後,各組之九孔乾肉重並無顯著差異,但投餵浸泡6及15小時之海 帶組別其九孔有死亡情形。

5、海藻培育及利用之研究:本研究針對滸苔(青絲藻, Enteromorpha prolifera)進 行種苗生產試驗及粗萃取物之萃取技術研發,冀能提高海藻的附加價值及利用性 。在本研究已完成滸苔的種苗生產模式。在萃取研究方面,分為對照組、冰萃組 及熱萃組,發現除了還原力及捕捉DPPH自由基能力外,在總糖量、總酚量、清除 超氧陰離子能力及螯合亞鐵離子能力,熱萃組皆比其他2組來的佳。本研究發現滸 苔經由簡單的萃取方式,就有良好的抗氧化能力,具有開發作為天然及安全的抗 氧化素材之潛力。


1、The study of hybridization and inbreeding of groupers: The purpose of the project is to study the feasibility of hybridization (selfintersection) of the giant grouper ( Epinephelus lanceolatus )and the orange-spotted grouper ( E. coioides ). We have done the collection and conservation of those two groupers this year. In February 2018, We began to control the water temperatures at 29±1℃ and 27±1℃ for the giant groupers and orange-spotted grouper, respectively. Fish were fed with purple squids, skipjack tuna, and the Pacific saury in order to enhance the gonadal development. We also applied LHRH-A2 and HCG to fish in April, June, August, and November in 2018. Finally, we obtained 1334 grams eggs of female orange-spotted grouper, 1300 grams eggs of femal giant groupers and 390 ml milt of male giant groupers. Then, we performed two fertilization experiments and subsequently obtained the fertilization rate 96.6±3.2 % with hatching rate 92.0±2.0 % and fertilization rate 88.8±1.5 % with hatching rate 49.8±5.0 % 。However, in the two self-intersection experiments, the orange-spotted grouper male only obtained a small amount of semen and was difficult to use together with the stool. And the giant grouper femal is full of abdominal fullness. After the first times, no fish eggs are taken to prevent the female death from swelling, so the immature eggs are taken out artificially. The second times, we obtained 1300 g eggs of femal are collected. Artificial fertilization with male fish, no fertilization after microscopic examination.

2、Cultivation and propagation of the flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus: The temperature stimulation successfully induces spawning and fertilization of the olive flounder (P. olivaceus), and spawning period was about one month. A total of 190 g fertilized eggs were collected. The fertilization rate was 60%. These eggs hatched at 60 h after fertilization ( Temp. = 18±1℃). The newly hatched larvae were about 2.12 ± 0.03 mm in total length. The larvae (3.47 ± 0.76 mm) were fed with rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis) from the 3rd day post hatching (DPH). The microalgae (Nannochloropsis oculata) were added to stabilize the water quality and nourish rotifers. The 24 DPH fry were about 9.6mm in total length, their tilted swimming with their eyes relocated. When the eyes were on the same side at 36 DPH, fry(14mm) began for metamorphosis and entered into the benthic stage. In temperature and salinity experiments, the results showed there were no significant difference of weight gains in the temperature groups and salinity groups. 

3、Cultivation and propagation of the small scale black fish ( Girella spp .):This study was divided into two parts. In the 1st trial, we adjusted the protein inclusion levels of the diets to feed the Girella( Girella mezina ), then we collected the body length and body weight data to analyze the protein inclusion level with the best growth performance. The 2nd trial was based on the results of the 1st trial, we used spirulina powder to replace the fishmeal used in the diets, and collected the body length and body weight data to analyze the optimal dosage of spirulina powder. In the 1st trial, the G. mezina juveniles with initial length 4.16±0.72cm and initial weight 6.51±0.53g were fed on four diets with different dietary protein inclusion levels of 35, 40, 45 or 50% for 6 weeks, it is found that the growth performance of CP40, CP45 and CP50 was significantly better than the CP30 group. The weight gain were 79.90±4.96%、97.97±7.87%、100.20±6.71% and 101.88±5.70% respectively, and the specific growth rates were 1.40±0.01%、1.63±0.02%、1.65±0.01% and 1.67±0.03% respectively. Considering the cost of diets and growth performance, this study suggests that the best dietary protein inclusion levels is 40%. In the 2nd trial, juveniles with initial length 4.18±0.79cm and initial weight 6.61±0.56 g were fed on the experimental diets for 6 weeks, it is found that the growth performance of SP0、SP25 and SP50 were significantly better than the other groups. The weight gain were 98.70±6.26%、 99.68±2.41%、97.52±1.29%、79.36±6.36% and 78.35±5.75% respectively, the specific growth rates were 1.63±0.01%、1.65±0.02%、1.62±0.02%、 1.39±0.02% and 1.38±0.01% respectively. According to the results of statistical analysis, the optimal dosage of spirulina powder is 50%. 

4、The study on cultivation and propagation of the economic shellfish: In this study, we investigated the effects of different surface sizes and soaking time of salted kelp on the growth of Haliotis diversicolor. In the first part of the experiment, we washed the salted kelp and cut into five sizes of pieces including 0.52 , 1, 2.52 , 52 and 102 cm 2 . The dry meat weight of H. diversicolor fed with salted kelp in the size of 0.52 cm 2 was the lowest. The second lightest dry weight of H. diversicolor was found in the group which was fed with 1 cm2 salted kelp. In the second part of the experiment, we soaked the salted kelp in sea water for 0, 3, 6 and 15 hours and fed H. diversicolor . There were no statistically significant differences in the dry meat weights of H. diversicolor from the four groups. However, some individuals fed with salted kelp soaking for 6 and 15 hours were died.

5、The cultivation and utilization of the ingredients of seaweeds: This study is aimed at the seedling production test and the extraction technology of crude extract of Enteromorpha prolifera, which can improve the added value and utilization of seaweed. In this study, the seedling production mode of E. prolifera has been completed. In the extraction experiment, we divided the test samples into control group, ice extraction group and hot extraction group. We found except for reducing power and capacity to capture DPPH free radicals that hot extraction group is better than the other two groups in the aspects of total sugar, total phenol, ability to scavenge superoxide anion and ability to chelate ferrous ion. It suggests that E. prolifera has good antioxidant capacity and potential for developing natural and safe anti-oxidant material via a simple extraction method.