

  • 日期:107-02-20
  • 計畫編號:107農科-9.3.2-水-A1(5)
  • 年度:2018
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:劉冠甫
  • 研究人員:洪崑龍、陳文振

1.臺灣沿近海之草蝦種蝦共進五尾,經檢測四尾確定未帶WSSV、TSV與IHHNV,自然 產卵有三尾育苗後經檢測皆為SPF蝦苗(F1)。

2.馬達加斯加之草蝦(F1)經篩選檢測共103對大蝦進行人工眼柄切除之催熟工作,二 尾有孵化蝦苗進行育苗後經檢測皆為SPF蝦苗(F2)。

3. 利用環境衝擊與病毒攻擊試驗後篩選出表現較佳的臺灣沿近海之草蝦苗(F1)一批 與馬達加斯加草蝦苗(F2)二批進行養成育種工作,放養密度為50~75尾/m2 。


1.Four of the fivePenaeus monodoncollected along the coast of Taiwan were detected without WSSV、TSV and IHHNV, and the larvae from the three shrimp spawning naturally was detected to be SPF one (F 1 ).

2.One hundred and three pairs of tiger shrimp from Madagascar (F 1 ) were screened for egg spawning after artificial eyestalk ablation, and two shrimp larvae of those were found to be SPF one (F 2 ).

3.One batch of tiger shrimp collected along the coast of Taiwan (F 1 ) and 2 batch of larvae of Madagascar tiger shrimp, screened with environmental impact and virus challenge, were used for cultivating and breeding at the stocking density of 50-75 individual/m2 .