

  • 日期:107-02-20
  • 計畫編號:107農科-9.5.1-水-A1(1)
  • 年度:2018
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:張格銓
  • 研究人員:陳榮華、陳建彰、黃瀛生

本試驗之目的係以分析YY尼羅吳郭魚之遺傳標誌,並持續尋找該品系之經濟價值。 試驗乃將數尾雌性尼羅吳郭魚與1尾YY進行配對,並篩選出吳郭魚遺傳連鎖群LG23的 關鍵遺傳標誌Fwlk03,做為成長試驗之準備。本年的工作項目為分析雄性遺傳型 Y1與P1子代之成長差異。由於雌性種魚特別選擇具多雌成長遺傳者,因此成長實驗 分為4組,(Y1+多雌、P1+多雌、Y1、P1)。實驗結果顯示,P1的成長優於Y1組,但沒 有顯著差異,4組中以Y1+多雌的成長最佳,本試驗也發現試驗前期具多雌成長的魚 體成長明顯快速,但給予良好環境與充足食物後,落後的Y1和P1組的成長可以跟上 。


In this study, genetic markers were applied to research YY tilapia. A group of fries mated 5 female Nile tilapia with a YY male. Besides, a marker on LG23 (FWLK03) were selected for genotyping. We tracked the offsprings genotyping and designed the growth experiment in this year. The result show the weight of offsprings Y1 and P1 have no significant difference. Therefore, 2 group (Y1+genetic female and P1+genetic female) have better growth than the others before experiment but have no significant difference when the experiment done.