

  • 日期:106-03-04
  • 計畫編號:106農科-10.2.1-水-A1(1)
  • 年度:2017
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:何珈欣
  • 研究人員:吳龍靜、賴繼昌、吳伊淑、陳羿惠、黃星翰、黃建智、余 淑楓、陳秋月、翁進興、張麗美、黃婉綺、傅弈翔

黃背牙鯛在西南海域之主要產卵期在11月至5月,而產卵盛期在1-3月。本魚種之雌 性魚生殖腺指數(GSI)在達0.9則屬漸成熟階段,GSI>3則卵巢達到成熟階段。本魚種 雌雄魚50%性成熟體長分別為164.3 mm TL與169.3 mm TL,產卵場主要分布於左營至 前鎮之沿岸至100~150深之海域。遠海梭子蟹生物學研究部分,遠海梭子蟹雌蟹 50%性成熟甲殼寬為114.07 mm。本蟹種生殖期長,周年有兩個生殖高峰期分別為主 要生殖期為12~4月及6-8月。CPUE之季節變化顯示每年主要有兩個漁獲高峰期分別為 秋季及冬季,月別變化中夏季cpue最低為0.001 kg/m2,秋季cpue回升至0.005 kg/m2 。


Dentex hypselosomus in the waters of the main spawning season extended from November to May, and peaked from January to March. The female fish gonado somatic index(GSI) of this fish kind is reaching to 0.9 to belong to a gradually mature stage, GSI>3 ovaries reach a mature stage.The sizes at 50% maturity (L50) were estimated 164.3mm TL and 169.3mm TL for the female and male, respectively.Spawning grounds distributed in Zuoying to Qianzhen 150 m deep waters.The article investigates the biology of Portunus pelagicus in Southwestern waters off the Taiwan.The smallest carapace width of a 50% mature female reach maturit were 114.07mm .Except the spawning period is very long with two high spawning period the year round. It takes place in December to April and June to August. The CPUE series showed that the abundance of P. pelagicus reach to high peak in autumn and winter every year. The lowest CPUE was 0.001 kg/m2 in summer and increased to 0.005kg/ m2 in autumn.