

  • 日期:106-03-04
  • 計畫編號:106農科-10.2.2-水-A1(1)
  • 年度:2017
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:陳郁凱
  • 研究人員:潘佳怡、王友慈

本研究利用2007-2010年間臺灣周邊海域漁場環境監測計畫調查資料,探討臺灣海峽 冬季仔稚魚群聚分布特徵與水團間之關係。冬季東北季風盛行期間,大陸沿岸水入 侵臺灣海峽形成的鋒面位置存在年間差異,環境因子及仔稚魚豐度之分布亦隨之變 動。群聚分析結果顯示各年度仔稚魚群聚大致可分為黑潮群及大陸沿岸水群,群聚 分布與鋒面位置大略吻合。 Diaphus B與 Bregmaceros spp. 為冬季黑潮最具代表 性的物種;大陸沿岸水群之主要貢獻物種年間變化大, Scorpaenidae spp.較具代 表性。黑潮支流水團仔稚魚組成兼具了高多樣性與高均勻度;而大陸沿岸水團水文 狀態較為複雜且變化較劇烈,因此只有少數適應性較強的物種可以生存,以致歧異 度降低,均勻度亦較低。相關分析顯示,冬季時期餌料浮游動物豐度為影響海峽仔 稚魚存活之主要因子。


The relationships between larval fish assemblages and hydrographic features in the Taiwan Strait were studied in the winter during 2007 - 2010. During the northeastern monsoon, the frontal area between China Coastal Current (CCC) and the Kuroshio Branch Current (KBC) fluctuated annaually. Through a cluster analysis, the larval fishes were classified into two main assemblages: Kuroshio Current assemblage (KC) and China Coastal Current assemblage (CCC). The spatial distributions of larval fish assemblages conformed to the distribution of water masses. Diaphus B and Bregmaceros spp. contributed most to the similarity within KC assemblages with the study period. For CCC assemblages, the contributed taxa differed slightly for each cruise and Scorpaenidae spp. was most representative. Species diversity and evenness were high for the KC assemblage and low for the CCC assemblage. The result of correlations analysis showed that the prey abundances were the determinant factor for the survival of larval fishes in the TS during winter.