

  • 日期:105-06-03
  • 計畫編號:105農科-1.2.4-水-A1(1)
  • 年度:2016
  • 領域:農業科技產業化領域
  • 主持人:城振誠
  • 研究人員:劉于溶、許鐘鋼、張可揚、郭仁杰、周瑞良、陳岳川、劉素華、王崧華、吳允暉、莊世昌、藍揚麒、陳郁凱、陳均龍、陳玟妤、蕭聖代、陳榮華、黃瀛生、林金榮、楊順德、葉信明

因應寒害,分析台灣重要養殖物種包括養殖分布及產量現況及物種生理適應因子 ,建立各物種之適合養殖地區、合適養殖期及成本分析。並研擬以蒸氣鍋爐配合板 式熱交換器的組合,對室外池進行增溫試驗,建立冬天室外池的增溫模式,提供業 者室外池養殖之利用。另外,利用加溫隔熱裝置在局部水域運作,預防漁塭養殖物 受短暫低溫的迫害。也將進行海域生態初步調查,並建立當地作業漁船樣本船,收 集漁獲及漁家經資料,建立海岸生態調查程序。


In response to cold climate, analysis of the important aquaculture species data in Taiwan, including aquaculture area distribution factor of suitable physiological adaptations. Summarize and offer suggestion of various species for aquaculture whose suitable culture period and cost analysis reports. And use the combination of steam boiler and plate heat exchanger to warm up outdoor pool water temperature, in order to reduce the loss caused by aquaculture chilling injury in winter. Aim to establish of winter outdoor pool warming system, providing the industry to apply to the outdoor ponds. In addition, use of heating and thermal insulation in part of water area to prevent the persecution of aquaculture and fisheries was short by low temperatures. Simultaneously the marine ecological project carried out a preliminary investigation to verify the impact to marine environment. The establishment of local fishing vessels sample vessel, catch and fishing gather economic data, the establishment of coastal ecological survey procedures.