

  • 日期:105-06-03
  • 計畫編號:105農科-1.2.4-水-A1(3)
  • 年度:2016
  • 領域:農業科技產業化領域
  • 主持人:曾福生
  • 研究人員:周昱翰、張錦宜

    應用所建構之分子篩檢技術,配合已發展之分子標誌輔助育種平台,選育品系 抗低溫性狀之遺傳穩定性。具體作法為建立種魚及其系統化家譜,進行種魚標誌篩 檢抗逆境緊迫佳的品系,進行高水溫及低水溫適應試驗,比對分子標誌及建立抗溫 緊迫族群,輔以分子標誌輔助育種平台進行配對選拔,以建立生產耐溫變異、成長 快速吳郭魚品系之基礎親魚群。     文蛤養殖池混養豆仔魚(Liza macrolepis),探討豆仔魚放養密度對文蛤養殖期 間大型藻類的生物控制效果。在文蛤試驗池放養虱目魚作為對照組,另外放養3種養 養密度的豆仔魚進行飼育試驗,試驗期間每個月採樣一次,測量放養魚及文蛤之体 長、体重及活存率。每兩週分析水質乙次及觀察池中大型藻類種類及數量。


   Due to the trend of global warming, we should provide the new aquaculture policy to avoid damage from climate change. The aim of the project is breeding the temperature stress tolerance strain for Taiwan’s aquaculture and study in the effect of biological control of broneo mullet, which will instead of milkfish, for eliminating algae on clam pond.     Molecular breeding, is more accepted methods for the selection of excellent species of fish in advanced countries. For improving the genetic traits stability of resistance to low temperature in breeding, we are establishing a systematic pedigree for species and genetic management of species in fish. The ways will avoid inbreeding degradation occurs, and establish fast-growing tilapia strains for selective group. In our tests of high temperature and low temperature process for screening associational molecular markers will be establish founder brooder group having rapid growth, resistant temperature stress performance.    Research on the effect of biological control of broneo mullet for macroalgae on clam pond. In the pond stocked milkfish as the control group, the other 3 stocking density of broneo mullet as the treatments. the sample during the test once a month, measure body length, body weight and the rate of survival of the fish and clams. Every two weeks to analyze water quality and quantity of macroalgae species observed at the pond.