

  • 日期:105-06-03
  • 計畫編號:105農科-11.2.2-水-A1(6)
  • 年度:2016
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:翁進興
  • 研究人員:黃星翰、楊清閔、賴繼昌、何珈欣、陳秋月、洪國軒、陳玟妤、余淑楓、黃建智、葉信明

鰆魚為近海近海主要經濟魚種,每年漁獲量約 1000公噸,其主要作業於法為流刺網 、定置網及一繩釣,主要作業漁場以澎湖為主,漁獲季節為每年9月至隔年4月,產 卵季節為3~6月,4~5月為產卵高峰,由於流刺網漁獲量大,過多的漁獲可能對此資 源造成影響,但目前對此魚種在澎湖海域相關研究是缺乏的,因此,本研究希望對 此魚種之生殖生態、環境及網目大小進行探討,了解漁場環境、成熟體型及最是網 目等,提供此魚種管理參考。


The Spanish marckerel, Scomberomorus commersoni, is one of the major species caught around in the offshore waters of Taiwan. Total annual landings throughout the Taiwan distribution of the species were estimated ever years to be approximately 1000 t . The main fishing gear has drift gillnets, set nets and trawling lines, fishing ground were in Peng-Hu waters. The caught fishing season for the September to April next year. It is spawning season extended from March to June, and peak from April to May Large quantities of Scomberomorus commersoni are caught with the drift gillnets, whether excessive catches this may cause resource implications species.  However, the fishes related research  in the PengHu waters is still unknown. Therefore, the present study through the reproductive biology, environment and catch of mesh size, would like to know their fishing ground environment, the  mature size and suitable mesh size. The  research of provide appropriate mesh size and spawning season for this fish species management.