

  • 日期:105-06-03
  • 計畫編號:105農科-11.3.3-水-A1(6)
  • 年度:2016
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:李彥宏
  • 研究人員:吳祥恩、潘明燦

 單一性別魚類養殖對產業有極大幫助,能增加養殖效益及產業利益,因此本計畫以 海鱺作為試驗魚種,進行性別控制之研究,達到增加產業效益的目標。目前已養殖 雄性化海鱺一批,平均體重3136.75±777.89克,已有8尾產精,但產精量不足,無法 進行人工授精。雖然投餵環化酵素抑制劑來促進海鱺產精,但效果並不顯著,無法 進行精液冷凍保存及人工繁殖需求。預期在未來2~3個月即能完成上述步驟,再育苗 100天,即可進行子代生殖腺性別判定,屆時才能確認雄性化海鱺種魚是否為新雄魚 。再以新雄魚為種魚,才可生產全雌化海鱺子代,推廣或技術轉移給養殖業者,可 增加產量並降低成本,有利海鱺養殖業發展。


Monosex fish culture is advantageous for fish production and industrial benefits. Therefore, the aim of this study will investigate the control of sex and feminization in cobia(Rachycentroncanadum) for improving the industrial efficiency. At present, eight fish of cultured masculinized cobia, an average weight of 3136.75 ± 777.89 grams has spermiation , but the amount of sperm production is insufficient for artificial insemination. Although the use of aromatase inhibitors to promote sperm production, but the effect is not significant and semen amount was not enough for cryopreservation and artificial breeding . We expected in the next 2 to 3 months to complete the above steps, and then cultured progeny until 100days post-hatching to identify the sex ratio of offspring by gonadal histology, then to confirm the neomale cobia. These neomale fish will spawn with normal female to produce all-female progeny. These results can be applied to cobia aquaculture.