

  • 日期:105-06-03
  • 計畫編號:105農科-11.3.4-水-A1(2)
  • 年度:2016
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:黃瀛生
  • 研究人員:劉富光、張錦宜、楊順德、王友慈、李彥宏、曾福生、杜 金蓮、董聰彥、張格銓、黃德威、劉于溶

日本鰻是東亞水產養殖的重要魚種,由於商業化人工種苗生產尚未建立,因此養殖 所需的大量鰻苗皆需依賴天然捕撈,然近年來鰻魚資源日益下降,導致鰻苗供不應 求,造成養殖產業的嚴重瓶頸。鰻魚是降海產卵型魚種,大部份幼苗溯河成長,達 到成熟期才降海產卵。鰻魚人工放流係資源培育現階段較為可行的方法。因此,臺 灣水產試驗所自1976年迄今已執行63次放流工作;共放流45,000餘公斤12萬餘尾鰻 魚。放流後並進行效益追蹤評估,希望對鰻苗資源培育有所助益。


Japanese eel is an economically important aquaculture species in East Asia. Because the commercial scale of artificial propagation of the glass eel has not been established yet, the needed elvers are all caught from the wild. The shortage in the supply of the elver has become more and more serious in recent years. This results in a serious bottleneck for the aquaculture development. Japanese eel is a catadromous fish, most glass eels migrate upstream and grow in freshwater until maturation. The release of eel into natural environment is considered as the feasible method to enhance elver recruitment. Therefore, the restocking activity has been launched by Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute since 1976 and a total of 124,000 eels (45,000 kg) have been released in 63 events. In addition, the evaluation on the efficiency of restocking activity was also carried out.