

  • 日期:110-08-02
  • 計畫編號:109農科-9.2.3-水-A3
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:翁進興
  • 研究人員:賴繼昌、藍揚麒、余淑楓、陳秋月、黃星翰、張致銜

    康氏馬加鰆為臺灣高經濟價值魚種之一,主要由流刺網、延繩釣及曳繩釣捕獲 ,其體長體重之關係數如下: BW= 0.00000006FL2.962 (r² = 0.95555, n=1082)。分析 515個耳石,雌雄魚分別為(268,237),體長最大之雌魚159 cm FL(27 kg BW),年 齡9歲;雄魚137 cm FL(27 kg BW)年齡5歲,其Von Bertalanffy growth equation成長方程式雌雄魚分別為,L∞ =148.08,K=0.358,to -0.925;L∞ =145.71,K=0.268,to -1.612雌魚成長速率高於雄魚。     以衛星籤完成三尾康氏馬加鰆標識放流(92-111 cm FL),3尾魚放流後,提供了 水深、水溫及水平移動等相關訊息,在日夜間垂直移動最大水深分別為84.9 m、 79.0 m。日間平均垂直移動水深為28.8±18.9 m,主要棲息水層在5 m以淺(13%),次 之為20 m (10.8%);夜間平均移動水深為26.03±17.01 m,主要棲息水層較為平均 ,在0~50 m以淺移動 (5~13%)。而在水平移動水溫分布範圍,均以25~27℃(90%)為 主,顯見該於對此水溫有明顯偏好。


    The narrow-barred Spainsh mackerel (Scomberomores commerson) is one of the major commercial fish species in waters of Taiwan. The relationships between body weight and fork length for S. commerson BW= 0.00000006FL2.962 (r² = 0.95555, n=1082).

    Whole otoliths from females 268, and males 237 respectively, were examined. The oldest females was 9 years old (159 cm FL, 27 kg), and males was 5 years old (137 cm FL, 17.8 kg), respectively. The growth Von Bertalanffy growth parameters show that females S. commerson ( L∞ =148.08, K=0.358, to =-0.925years ) grew at a fast rate but reached a greater asymptotic length than males fish (L∞ =145.71, K=0.268, to =- 1.612).

    The three S. commerson (ranging from 92 to 111 cm in fork length) were tagged and released. The fish were tracked to provide information on depth and temperature preferences as well as horizontal movements. The vertical movement maximum depth was 84.9 m during the daytime and 79.0 m at nighttime. The mean swimming depth was 28.8 m (±18.9 m) during the daytime and 26.03 m (±17.01 m) at nighttime, which was a contrast to the findings in the waters. The majority of the Daytime vertical movements (13%) were in the 5 m depth range, with the 10% in 20 m depth. Nighttime movements were in less than 50 m depth waters, and individual layers is relatively even in 5~13%. The most of its horizontal movements (90.0%) occurring at temperatures that ranged from 25 to 27 °C, suggesting that S . commerson have a preference for this temperature range throughout the period of PAST observation.