

  • 日期:110-08-02
  • 計畫編號:109農科-9.3.3-水-A1(8)
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:許鐘鋼
  • 研究人員:蘇勰忠、劉素華、莊成意、黃金峰、許秀媛

本年(109)度將豹鱠種魚分成4池(均未經激素誘導產卵)進行交配產卵。5月4日 進行豹鱠種魚之室外移地養殖,5月13日移入室內產卵池。5月15日開始產卵,10月 7日產卵季結束。產卵期達146日,產卵日113日。種魚共產卵36,342g(7,268.4萬粒 ),其中上浮卵23,928g(65.84%;4,785.7萬粒),下沉卵 12,413g(34.16%;2,482.7萬粒)。平均日產卵量322 ± 327g(64.4萬粒),日產 卵量最高1,560g(312萬粒)。產卵期間種魚養殖水溫25.4-30.9℃。比較各池產卵 結果發現,光週期較長的產卵池明顯優於光週期較短的。收集豹鱠受精卵進行神經 壞死及虹彩病毒之檢測。神經壞死病毒RT-PCR檢測結果為:受精卵呈陽性反應為 0%(0/322)。虹彩病毒PCR檢測結果為:受精卵呈陽性反應為0%(0/322)。以臭氧 及鍛燒牡蠣殼粉處理豹鱠模場內之循環水,可以殺死部分之細菌,達到減菌之效果 ,但是其使用量必須再經過進一步之試驗確認,方能安全使用。


The broodstock of Plectropomus leopardus was divided into four ponds (all without hormone induced) for mating and spawning. On May 4, the broodstock was moved to the outdoor pond and moved to the indoor spawning pool on May 13. The Spawning period of the broodstock was from May 15 to Oct 7 and lasted 146 days, including 113 spawning days. The total egg weight was 36,342 g(7,268.4×104 eggs),including the buoyant eggs(23,928g; 4,785.7×104 eggs; 65.84%) and the sinking eggs (12,413g; 2,482.7×104 eggs; 34.16%). Mean egg weight was 322±327 g(64.4×104 eggs),and the highest number of daily spawning was 1,560g(312.0×104 eggs). During the period, the water temperature was 25.4-30.9℃. The results showed that the spawning pond with longer photoperiod was better than the one with shorter photoperiod. We collected fertilized egg samples of P. leopardus to detect for NNV and GIV. The result of NNV RT-PCR test of fertilized eggs showed that the ratio of positive was 0% (0/322). The result of GIV PCR test of fertilized eggs showed that the ratio of positive was 0% (0/322). Using ozone and sintered oyster shell powder to treat the circulating water in model factory for P. leopardus can kill some bacteria and achieve the effect of reducing bacteria. However, the usage of ozone and sintered oyster shell powder must be confirmed by further test before it can be used safely.