

  • 日期:110-08-02
  • 計畫編號:109農科-9.4.2-水-A1(2)
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:邱韻霖
  • 研究人員:林慧秋、廖紫嬿、許雅筑

    長莖葡萄蕨藻在日本沖繩及菲律賓為售價高昂之高級食材,為近幾年台灣新興 具經濟價值之養殖海藻。文獻指出長莖葡萄蕨藻萃取多醣具有明顯抑制腫瘤、抗氧 化、抗癌、治療高血糖及預防心血管疾病等效果。本研究利用澎湖具有養殖長莖長 莖葡萄蕨藻之優勢,建立其相關研究數據,以期能開發新的保健素材及產品。     研究結果顯示長莖葡萄蕨藻萃取物(Caulerpa lentillifera water extracts;以下簡稱CLW)於試驗劑量(1~5 mg/plate)範圍內,致突變試驗不論有無 添加S9 mix,於測試劑量範圍內皆不具有致突變性,抗致突變試驗樣品組之His+ revertans plate 菌數顯著低於控制組者(添加SA),表示具有抗致突變性。     動物試驗方面,8 週大裸鼠經皮下注射HCT116及H1299腫瘤後,待腫瘤形成 0.8cm時,開始口服長莖葡萄藻萃取物,並記錄每週腫瘤大小及體重,結果以 H1299腫瘤試驗,每隻以各週腫瘤大小做比較,CLW組比控制組明顯來得小。每隻裸 鼠各別週數的腫瘤體積除以第一週腫瘤體積之倍率,CLW組亦比控制組小很多。平均 四週腫瘤體積數值,CLW組各週明顯較控制組來得小。體重經過四週的測量,裸鼠各 週平均體重, CLW樣品組因腫瘤成長較緩慢,明顯比控制組輕。利用長莖葡萄蕨藻 各種生理活性物質,可有效開發具有商品價值之海藻產品,無論對於產品之新穎性 或是利用性,皆為具有高度開發價值之經濟型海藻。


    Green caviar is a high class ingredient in Okinawa, Japan and Philippine. It becomes a new and developing economic aquaculture species in Taiwan in recent years. Previous studies revealed that the polysaccharide extracted from Caulerpa lentillifera is effective in tumor suppression, anti-oxidation, anticancer, healing hyperglycemia, and preventing cardiovascular disease. In this study, we aimed to utilize the Caulerpa lentillifera cultivated in Penghu to establish related research data for attempting to develop new health care materials and products.

    In Ames tests, we found that Caulerpa lentillifera extract (hereinafter referred to as CLW) was not mutagenic within the dose range of 1~5 mg/plate, either with or without S9-mix. The total plate count of anti-mutagenic treatment group (His+ revertans plate) was significantly lower than control group (adding SA), which showed that it has antimutagenic properties.

    In animal tests, HCT116 and H1299 tumor cells were injected subcutaneously into eight-week-old nude mice at the beginning and then they began to take Caulerpa lentillifera extract orally after their tumor cells grew to the size of 0.8 cm. The size of their tumor cells and body wight would be recorded weekly. The result of H1299 tumor cells test showed that the size of tumor cell of CLW group was significantly smaller than control group. The weekly average body wight of CLW group is significantly lighter than control group because that their tumor cells grew relatively slowly. The bioactive material of Caulerpa lentillifera could be used to develop valued seaweed products. It would be an economic seaweed with high potential for developing novel and applicable products.