

  • 日期:110-08-02
  • 計畫編號:109農科-9.5.5-水-A3
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:黃慶輝
  • 研究人員:吳嘉哲

本研究運用奈米孔定序技術對於臺灣養殖文蛤之腸道菌菌相進行分析與探討,經由 Epi2me平臺分析,於12個七股養殖文蛤之腸道樣本中,成功定序之有效16S序列數量 共有415,881條,這些序列中可辨識至屬(Genus)層級之序列共314,348條,比例最高 的5個屬依序分別為弧菌屬、黴漿菌屬、內生桿菌屬、芽孢桿菌屬及厭氧桿菌屬,奈 米孔定序法所能提供之序列解析度較以往其它定序法為高,且相比之下略低之定序 正確度並不會對分析造成太大影響,且奈米孔定序技術其軟體及硬體技術皆持續發 展中,其定序準確率也持續上升,十分具有發展潛力。


This study uses nanopore sequencing technology to analyze the gut bacterial flora composition of Taiwanese cultured clams. Through the analysis of the Epi2me platform, among the 12 gut microbiota samples of the cultured clams from Cigu, Tainan, a total of 415,881 valid 16S sequences were successfully sequenced, and 314,348 of these sequences can be identified to the genus level. The 5 bacteria genera with the highest proportion in clam gut bacterial flora are Vibrio, Mycoplasma, Endozoicomonas, Bacillus, Anoxybacillus. The nanopore sequencing reported greater taxonomic resolution than other sequencing platforms and its slightly lower per read accuracy did not seem to affect the analysis very much. Both software and hardware of nanopore sequencing technology is under continuous development, and its sequencing accuracy is also continuously increasing, which has great potential for gut bacterial flora analysis.