

  • 日期:110-08-02
  • 計畫編號:109農科-11.2.8-水-A2
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:智慧科技農業
  • 主持人:張致銜
  • 研究人員:陳郁凱、賴繼昌、藍揚麒、何珈欣、余淑楓、黃星翰

本研究係針對海洋箱網養殖所面臨之魚類生物體長、生長與餌飼料投餵為發展方向 ,本年度以石斑魚為主要標的魚種,於上半年進行養殖魚類生物體長與生長之水下 監測先期技術規劃、開發與設計,並開發出可攜式輕量化模組之減少箱網現場作業 困擾。另外,現地試驗則搭配本所海水中心室內養殖池、屏東車城民間箱網養殖場 海域試驗場域,進行養殖魚群體長與生長狀態AI人工智慧量測實地試驗。在研究結 果顯示,相較於人工辨識數值,室內養殖池試驗場域之青石斑魚之體長與生長AI量 測技術,體長體重誤差率分別為3.83%與4.46%;而海上箱網海域試驗之龍虎斑,體 長與體重的誤差率為1.25%與7.84%,顯示AI量測的結果與人工量測結果相當接近。 最後,透過本系統之投餵監控技術優化,可記錄投餵情形,整合紀錄魚類水下攝食 活動影像,進行辨識監控管理,協助養殖生產建構最佳餌飼料投餵精準模式。初步 可以AI辨識與量測石斑魚之生物資訊,包含體長與體重等,取代現有的人工撈捕取 樣量測方法,同時達到節省人力、降低人工量測的人為誤差並消除因物理捕撈對魚 隻產生的傷害,並運用於環境多變的海上箱網養殖環境。


This study is to focus on the marine cage culture industrial problem of fish size, growth, and feeding. This year, grouper is the main target fish species. Firstly,  underwater monitoring of the fish organism length and growth will be carried out in the first half of the year. It is our purpose to develop the underwater monitoring technology for the body length of a fish and growth of fish understand the growth and growth status of fish colonies, and develop lightweight modules to reduce the troubles of cage culture frams. There were design and development of portable modules to reduce the on-site operation of the cage culture. In addition, in-situ experiments areas are the indoor aquaculture ponds in the Mariculture Research Center, FRI and the marine cage culture farms in the Checheng township, Pingtung. The field experiment used AI measure the cultured fish length and growth status. The body length and growth of the yellow grouper results show that the body length and weight error rate value of manual measurement compared with AI measurement is 3.83% and 4.46% in the indoor aquaculture pond experiment. And body length and growth of the dragon tiger grouper results show that the body length and weight error rate value is 1.25% and 7.84% in the marine cage culture experiment. The above results show that the result of AI measurement is very close to the result of manual measurement. The project is expected to reduce the cost of aquaculture production, and further achieve accurate feeding management to maintain the optimal fish growth and the cage culture environment.