

  • 日期:110-08-02
  • 計畫編號:109農科-20.2.1-水-A2
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:農業綠能多元發展之整合性關鍵技術研發與推動
  • 主持人:李純慧
  • 研究人員:陳均龍、莊世昌、藍國瑋、葉信明、陳人裕、蘇博堃、江偉全、張景淳、潘佳怡、劉康熙、李茂熒、曾秀茹、張可 揚、蔡孟昌、蕭聖代

為釐清離岸風場對海洋漁業生態系之影響,本年度於離岸風場周邊海域進行底拖網 試驗調查。採集到72科物種,包含魚類54科、甲殼類12科及頭足類6科,受不同季節 之水溫及鹽度分布影響,使得2次採樣航次的主要物種不同,且魚類及頭足類種類有 更替的現象。然與過去航次比較,此海域生物種類複雜,季節性的群集不明顯,建 議持續長期蒐集包含離岸風場海域之臺灣西部海域的海洋環境因子、生物相及漁業 資源等資料,才能釐清風場對臺灣西部海域漁業生態系之影響。


The aim of the study was to understand the effect on the marine fishery ecosystem in waters of western Taiwan by offshore wind farms. It had two cruises of the bottom trawling, respectively in spring and autumn. We collected 72 families of biology samples, including 54 families of fish, 12 families of crustaceans, 6 families of Cephalopods. It showed that the primary species were different in the two seasons and the species. However, the seasonal clusters were not clear due to t complexity of biological species in this area. It is suggested that we need to collect the data of the marine environment, biology species, and fishery resources in the waters of western Taiwan for a long time to clarify the impact of wind farms on the fishery ecosystems.