

  • 日期:111-10-20
  • 計畫編號:110農科-6.3.1-水-A4
  • 年度:2021
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:郭柏昇

本計畫選用我國大宗養殖漁貨物 (虱目魚) 為實驗魚種,並選用利用度較低部位,如魚骨、含刺魚背肉進行產品開發。魚骨研究結果顯示,虱目魚骨硬度為 (6614±1189g),遠高於市售魚骨硬度 1700g。因此利用高壓進行軟化加工達降低硬度,當高壓軟化時間達 45 分鐘以上時,可將虱目魚骨硬度降低至 1700g。接著以不同油溫及時間油炸軟化魚骨進行探討,結果顯示當油炸溫度超過 170℃ 且時間大於 3 分鐘,可以將魚骨酥度從 2300 提升至 4000。此外當油炸條件為 190℃ 4分鐘時,會造成魚骨頭顏色太深,不利後續加工。含刺魚背肉研究結果顯示,高壓軟化加工會造成於背肉物理性值下降 (咀嚼性、剪切力、黏彈性、凝聚性),對於魚肉漢堡排加工有不利影響。因此藉由不同配方進行製作,可以增加漢堡肉多汁口感以及提升物理性值。


This project selects milkfish as the experimental fish species, and selects lessused parts, such as fish bones and spiny fish back meat for product development. The results of fish bone research show that the hardness of milkfish bone is (6614±1189 g), which is much higher than the hardness of commercially available fish bone of 1700 g. Therefore, high pressure is used for softening processing to reduce the hardness. When the high pressure softening time reaches more than 45 minutes, the hardness of the milkfish bone can be reduced to 1700 g. Then, we discussed the softening of fish bones by frying at different oil temperatures and times. The results showed that when the frying temperature exceeds 170°C and the time is longer than 3 minutes, the fish bone crispness can be increased from 2300 to 4000. In addition, when the frying condition is 190°C for 4 minutes, the color of the fish bones will be too dark, which is unfavorable for subsequent processing. The results of the research on thorny fish back meat show that highpressure softening processing will cause the physical value of the back meat to decrease (chewiness, shear value, resilience, cohesiveness), which has an adverse effect on the processing of fish hamburger steak. Therefore, the preparation of different recipes can increase the juicy taste of hamburger meat and improve the physical value.