

  • 日期:111-10-21
  • 計畫編號:110農科-6.2.7-水-A1(4)
  • 年度:2021
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:劉冠甫
  • 研究人員:楊明樺、葉怡均、余淑楓

  1. 本年度保存白蝦7個品系,在保存種原環境緊迫耐受性評估上,以E系群表現最好,B系群表現最差。評估雌蝦剪眼柄與否對生育力及後續蝦苗培育的影響,結果雌蝦剪眼柄對於成熟、交配、產卵及孵化均有促進效果,而雌蝦不剪眼柄則有較高的單尾次產卵數與無節幼蟲數,以及最終的活存率,不過兩組在各項生育力表現上均未達顯著差異(α=0.05)。白蝦雌蝦不剪眼柄對PL12幼苗培育有較高活存率及較佳的鹽度緊迫耐受性(P<0.05)。

  2. 草蝦臺灣族群F 共生產約15萬尾進行中間育成2 為黑殼苗,經水溫與鹽度逆境試驗篩選出進行養成培育現已達平均體重2.81±1.15公克,馬達加斯加族群F4共培育二批蝦苗亦經水溫與鹽度逆境試驗篩選出一批進行養成培育現已達平均體重52.29±17.08公克。

  3. 淡水長臂大蝦目前共收集3場種原,分別為萬丹、佳冬及九如,皆已完成MrNV、IHHN、VD1VI、MrNV、酵母菌(Metschnikowia bicuspidata)及乳酸鏈球菌(Lactococcus garvieae)等6種疾病,萬丹及佳冬種蝦已繁殖培育F1子代,後續將挑選成長快體型進行保種育種。


  1.  Seven strains of white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei )were preserved this year. In the assessment of the urgent tolerance of the original environment of the preserved species, the E strain group performed the best and the B strain group performed the worst. Evaluate the effect of whether or not the eyestalks of female shrimps are cut on the fertility and subsequent breeding of shrimps. The results show that the effect of cutting eyestalks on female shrimps promotes maturation, mating, spawning and hatching, while female shrimps without eyestalks have a higher effect. The number of single-tailed eggs laid and the number of nauplius, and the final survival rate, but the two groups did not reach significant differences in the performance of fertility (α=0.05). White shrimp females without eye stalks had a higher survival rate and better salinity stress tolerance to PL12 seedling cultivation (P<0.05).

  2. The Taiwanese group of grass shrimp(Penaeus monodon) F2 produced a total of about 150,000 tails for intermediate breeding to become black-shell seedlings. After the water temperature and salinity stress test, they have been screened for cultivation and have reached an average weight of 2.81±1.15 grams. The Madagascar group F4 has been bred together. Batches of shrimp larvae have also been screened out through water temperature and salinity stress tests for grow-out cultivation and now have an average weight of 52.29±17.08 grams.

  3. There are currently 3 species of freshwater prawns(Macrobrachium rosenbergii ) collected, namely Banten, Jiadong and Jiuru. All of them have completed MrNV, IHHNV, D1VI, MrNV, Yeast (Metschnikowia bicuspidata) and Lactococcus garvieae ) And other 6 diseases, Banten and Jiadong shrimp species have been bred to breed F1 offspring, and fast-growing types will be selected for conservation and breeding in the future.