
臺灣周邊海域鰈形目魚類繁養殖技術 開發

  • 日期:111-10-24
  • 計畫編號:110農科-6.2.4-水-A1(2)
  • 年度:2021
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:陳玉萍
  • 研究人員:黃侑勖、陳鏗元

本研究於今年度收集臺灣周邊海域鰈形目魚類,包括有豹紋鮃(Bothus pantherinus)、黑緣箬鰨(Synaptura marginata)、牙鮃(Paralichthys olivaceus)、大口鰜(Psettodes erumei)、條鰨(Zebrias zebra)及眼斑豹鰨(Pardachirus pavoninus),使用流水式養殖,水溫控制於22±1℃,投餵南極蝦及丁香魚皆可穩定攝食及培育。另分別進行養殖溫度與光照試驗,溫度分為18℃、22℃、26℃及30℃;光照分為200-300 lux、800-1000 lux及1500-2000 lux,分別進行8周試驗。豹紋鮃及牙鮃在水溫26℃皆有最佳的增重率;在光照800-1000 lux培育下有最佳增重率。


In this study, we collected Pleuronectiformes in the coastal waters around Taiwan this year, including Leopard flounder (Bothus pantherinus), Shallow-water sole (Sy naptura marginata), Olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus), Lndian halibut (Psett odes erumei), and Zebra sole (Zebrias zebra) and Peacock sole (Pardachirus pavoninus). fish culture in running water ponds and the temperature of the water are controlled at 22±1℃. Feeding krill and clove fish can be stably cultured. In addition, conduct breeding temperature and light experiments. The fish culture with four temperature conditions of 18℃, 22℃, 26℃ and 30℃;three lighting conditions of 200-300 lux, 800-1000 lux and 1500-2000 lux, respectively for 8 weeks. Both leopard flounder and olive flounder have the best weight gain rate at a water temperature of 26°C; they have the best weight gain rate under cultivation under 800-1000 lux light.