

  • 日期:111-10-24
  • 計畫編號:110農科-6.2.4-水-A1(4)
  • 年度:2021
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:城振誠
  • 研究人員:吳玉霞、湯慕婷、謝恆毅

模里西斯鞭腕蝦又稱為火焰蝦、白襪蝦,是一種美麗的清潔蝦,能提供清除珊瑚礁魚類身上寄生蟲的服務。是近年觀賞水族的新寵 。為了減緩模里西斯鞭腕蝦自然族群野採的壓力,建立人工繁殖技術刻不容緩。本研究期探討種蝦頭胸甲長與孵化蝦苗數量、孵化時間與水溫的關係;初期蝦苗(蚤狀幼體第一期至第四期)在不同溫度、鹽度、餌料密度及餵食時機對成長及活存的影響;以建立最適育成條件,以提供後續量產時的依據,在有效的養殖系統下,持續產出幼蝦供應觀賞水族市場。


The fire shrimp(Lysmata debelius ), a common cleaner shrimp is one of newfavorite species in aquarium trade. Delightful appearance and helpful "cleaning service" by removing parasites from coral reef fish make the fire shrimp such an indispensable ornamental creature for aquarium. To avoiding overfishing and building an effective culturing system, this study aimed for the artificial propagation of fire shrimps. The correlation between carapace length of adult shrimps, numbers of larvae hatching, duration of hatching, and water temperature were investigated. In addition, the larval growth and survival rate in different levels of feeding concentrations, time of starvation, salinities and water temperatures were measured.