

  • 日期:111-10-24
  • 計畫編號:110農科-6.5.1-水-A2
  • 年度:2021
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:賴繼昌
  • 研究人員:李彥宏、邱沛盛、陳玉萍、莊世昌、翁進興、葉信 明、黃建智、陳羿惠、陳秋月、黃星翰、何珈欣、黃 婉綺、吳伊淑、余淑楓、周慈彗、鄭明忠、吳育甄、 林峰右、黃維能、陳陽德、朱永桐、劉于溶、黃政 軒、黃侑勖、鄭力綺

針對我國海洋漁業面臨過度捕撈危機,所造成資源匱乏的情形,以及養殖漁業面臨種魚取得不易、國際市場的競爭、國內產銷失衡、病害威脅等挑戰,急需加速新興物種的繁殖技術以提升我國養殖市場的競爭力,本研究以黑䱛(Atrobucca nibe)、刺鯧(Psenopsis anomala)、旭蟹(Ranina ranina)、黃背牙鯛(Dentex hypselosomus)、日本馬頭魚(Branchiostegus japonicus)等魚蟹類為目標,透過漁場調查方法於沿近海域取得野生種魚,進而發展繁殖技術,是一個極具挑戰且值得發展的方式,由於各物種在以發展繁養殖技術為目標的進程各有不同,故分別擬訂不同的目標進行,本年度在黑䱛種魚取得技術、精子凍結保存技術、刺鯧種魚採集方式調查、旭蟹種蟹採集與蓄養技術、黃背牙鯛及馬頭魚生物學調查上皆有顯著的成果。


本研究針對基礎生物學資料較為缺乏的目標魚種物種亦完成生殖腺調查,黃背牙鯛(Dentexhypselosomus)生殖腺成熟指數(GSI)推斷繁殖期約為1-5月、11月,高峰期在3月。由日本馬頭魚(Branchiostegus japonicus)生殖腺成熟指數(GSI)及組織切片初步推測產卵期約為9-11月。



Marine fisheries are facing a crisis of overfishing, resulting in a shortage of resources. The aquaculture fishery faces challenges such as 1. It is not easy to obtain species of fish, 2. Competition in the international market, 3. The imbalance of domestic production and sales, 4. The threat of disease. Therefore, there is an urgent need to accelerate the breeding technology of emerging species to enhance the competitiveness of the aquaculture market.

This research aimed at fish and crabs such as Atrobucca nibe, Psenopsis anomala, R anina ranina, Dentex hypselosomus, and Branchiostegus japonicus. Through the method of fishing grounds survey, wild seed fish are obtained from the coastal waters, and then the breeding technology is developed. It is very challenging but worthy of development. Since each species has a different process with the goal of developing breeding technology, different goals are drawn up separately. Significant results were achieved in several goals this year: 1. Atrobucca nibe's live fish acquisition technology, 2. Sperm freezing and preservation technology, 3. Investigation of Psenopsis anomala live fish collection methods, 4. Ranina ranina live crab collection and stocking technology, 5. Biological investigation of Dentex hypselosomus and ranchiostegus japonicus.

The research ship and the longline fishing boat cooperated with each other to successfully catch the Atrobucca nibe live fish in the southwestern seas from January to May. Fish decompression technology and weaning technology were incorporated to complete onshore stocking. After mastering the maturity of the gonads of Atrobucca nibe, Hank's dilution and DME/F12 dilution were used for cryopreservation of Atrobucca nibe sperm, and both DMSO and PG were suitable to be used as antifreeze. After thawing, the sperm motility can reach 71.33%±1.53 and 69.00%±2.52. From April 7 to April 10, 9 fish were collected and sperm survival rate was 50 ~ 90 %. After thawing on November 9 (about freezed 210 days), the sperm still had 40 % survival rate.

Set net and light fisheries have the opportunity to successfully harvest Psenopsis anomala individuals in good condition. However, it is still necessary to improve in the transportation and storage technology.

As for the collection of Ranina ranina species, a total of 7 batches of Ranina ranina were collected this year by research ship operations and sampling from traps fishing boats in the Penghu area. They were transported through a selfdeveloped method to reduce stress, and they were kept in Tainan Mariculture Research Center, and after breeding and management, the female crabs complete their eggs.

This study also completed the gonad survey for target fish species that lacked basic biological data. According to the Gonadosomatic index (GSI) of Dentex hypselosomus, the reproduction period is around January to May and November, and the peak period is March. In addition, the GSI and gonad tissue sections of Branch iostegus japonicus preliminarily predict that the spawning period is around September to November.

It is hoped that through the implementation of the plan, we will continue to develop technologies for enriching important economic species in the coastal waters to provide more options for my country's aquatic food sources. It is hoped that the technologies can be used to return resources to the ocean and enhance marine fishery resources.