

  • 日期:112-06-06
  • 計畫編號:112前瞻-18.3.3-水-A1
  • 年度:2023
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:吳育甄
  • 研究人員:劉于溶、李曜辰、林峰右、莊傑元、胡益順、張家豪

碳匯技術的開發為國家淨零排放重要方法之一,建立多營養階養殖(IMTA)及漁電 共生養殖技術模式,及開發碳排收支方法學,有助於目標的達成。多營養階養殖是 經由藻類、魚類、蟹類等不同營養位階養殖物種的組合,循環利用水中的營養物質 ,評估養殖過程中養殖用水量、飼料的使用量,探討養殖碳收支情形。漁電共生為 評估石斑魚在不同太陽能板建置方式下,碳收支情形。多營養階養殖及漁電共生養 殖模式碳收支方法學建立,可作為碳定價及碳交易制定之依據,促使水產養殖產業 達到淨零減碳永續發展之目標。


Development of carbon sink technology is one of the important emissions for net zero. Establishment of multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA), aquavoltaic technology model, and development of carbon budget methodology is helpful to achieve the goal. Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture is Integrate species with different nutritional levels, including algae, fish, and crabs. Evaluate the water consumption and feeding amount of aquaculture, and analyze the carbon budget. This study also evaluated the carbon budget of grouper under different solar panel construction methods. The establishment of carbon budget methodology can be used as the basis for carbon pricing and carbon trading. Promote aquaculture to achieve the goal of net zero carbon reduction and sustainable development.