

  • 日期:93-05-20
  • 年度:2004
  • 領域:漁業領域
  • 主持人:鄭金華

一.台灣重要養殖魚蝦貝及餌料生物遺傳資源之分析與評估--利用粒線體DNA片斷序列進行泰國蝦遺傳基因分析本年度計畫擬進行台灣養殖泰國蝦在粒線體DNA的序列及其限制脢切割片段多型性的分析所。建立的資料可以作為將來進行種原保存、育種等研究及工作之參考。二.台灣重要養殖魚蝦貝及餌料生物遺傳資源之分析與評估-利用18SrDNA進行海水綠球藻鑑種分析水產種苗產業是臺灣養殖業永續發展中極重要之一項,而生物性餌料是魚、蝦、貝苗初期發育階段中不可欠缺的食物。為提供國內研究人員及水產養殖業者人工繁殖魚介幼生所需的餌料生物種原,建立水產餌料生物種原庫。種原庫中名為Chlorella 之10株種原,其EPA含量不等,顯然種名鑑定上不正確。由於綠球藻及擬球藻均屬5微米以下、圓形、且細胞表面無特徵之綠色藻類,從形態、色澤、鹽度耐性上難以區別。因此本研究將利用細胞核18S rDNA 基因序列來加以鑑定,以建立微藻分生鑑種技術,並取得海水綠球藻遺傳基因資訊。三.何氏棘( Spinibarbus hollandi)微衛星DNA專一性特定列位點(STS)之建立何氏棘主要分布於台灣南部及東部之中大型溪流,屬於初級淡水魚,該屬魚類具有廣溫、雜食性、個體大、生長快,目前被列為台灣特有種魚類,然全球同屬之魚種共有8種,其中有些學者認為喀氏倒棘(S. caldwelli)與何氏棘為同種異名,故開發建立專一性極高之RAPD或微衛星DNA引子來證實,並作為種源及不同來源之快速鑑定;期能運用分子生物技術來建立台灣本土性及特有生物的核苷酸指紋基因庫,確立水產養殖魚種種源庫,及建立種源之利用。四.台灣重要經濟水產生物粒線體DNA核苷酸序列資料庫之建立建立台灣重要經濟水產生物粒線體DNA中細胞色素b基因之核甘酸序列資料庫,作為魚類鑑定時比對之標準,以解決漁業資源評估管理、種原保存以及進出口或走私水產品等種類鑑定之問題,並提供基因多樣性研究之材料。本年度計畫之目標為建立台灣重要養殖魚類粒線體DNA中細胞色素b基因之核甘酸序列資料庫。五.九孔外部形質與其成長、活存關係調查研究本研究將實地至各重要九孔養殖區調查採樣,直至該批樣品收成為止。調查項目包括記錄九孔成長情形及活存率等,並採水樣攜回實驗室分析水質及弧菌,採集九孔樣本,進行如體重、殼長、殼幅、殼高、殼重、肉重、體積、孔數等形質參數之量測。另,收集台灣各地區九孔種貝,飼餵各種不同紅藻後進行人工繁殖,定期於顯微鏡下量測幼苗形態,並採集幼苗記錄殼長、殼幅等及攝餌情形。本研究將台灣現階段養殖九孔形態與活存率、成長情形作一調查整理,所得資訊可以提供養殖業者操作參考。另,不同種原所生產不同形態之種苗配合其活存率之調查結果,可提供繁殖業者培苗時取捨之參考。


一.台灣重要養殖魚蝦貝及餌料生物遺傳資源之分析與評估--利用粒線體DNA片斷序列進行泰國蝦遺傳基因分析The objectives of this study is to analyze the genetic variability and structure ofMacrobrachium rosenbergii from selected hatcheries in Taiwan. The results of eachpopulations will be compared and the origin of their home country will be revealed.二.台灣重要養殖魚蝦貝及餌料生物遺傳資源之分析與評估-利用18SrDNA進行海水綠球藻鑑種分析Seed production of cultured aquatic organisms is one of the most important issues forsustainable aquaculture industry in Taiwan. The culture collection center of live food isbuilt up to provide stock cultures and relative technology for farmers and researchers.Ten culture collections of Chlorella had different EPA content in lipid, showed there arenot the same species. It is difficult to identify due to small size (< 5 μm), ovoid shape,without features on cell cover. To determine the relationships among Chlorella spp.strains, the PCR technique to analyze the nuclear-encoded SSU 18S rDNA sequencewill be used. In addition, this study is aimed to establish the technique for phylogeny ofmicroalgae culture collection三.何氏棘( Spinibarbus hollandi)微衛星DNA專一性特定列位點(STS)之建立Conservation of aquaculture or characteristic fish requires knowledge of geneticvariation within and between breeds. Genetic marker are molecular labels which identifygenes and are valuable to the animal industry as tools of animal selection. In this study,the RAPD and Microsatellite DNA techniques will chose for identify the geneticrelationship within and among different populations for Spinibarbus spp.四.台灣重要經濟水產生物粒線體DNA核苷酸序列資料庫之建立The purpose of this project is to establish the database of nucleotide sequences ofcytochrome b gene in mitochondrial DNA for important aquatic species in Taiwan.Those data can be used as a standard sequence in species identification for fisheryresources management, trading and conserving of aquatic species; and offered for studiesof biology diversity.The purpose of this year is to establish the database of nucleotidesequences of cytochrome b gene in mitochondrial DNA for important aquaculture fishesin Taiwan.五.九孔外部形質與其成長、活存關係調查研究In this study, small abalone samples are collected from culture regions around Taiwanarea during the cultivation period. Body weight, shell length, shell width, shell height,shell weight, flesh weight, shell volume, and pore number of live samples will bemeasured individually. On the other hand, a part of the sample from different regionswill be cultured and fed with three spices' of red algae to brood stock for further artificialpropagation study. In nursery pond, the larvae will be inspected and recorded undermicroscope. The results of this study may provide information about the presentsituation of small abalone production and help the farmers to raise and select broodstocks for successful seed propagation.