

  • 日期:93-06-18
  • 年度:2004
  • 領域:漁業領域
  • 主持人:劉富光
  • 研究人員:賴仲義、林天生、黃家富、陳榮華、陳冠如、白志年、揚順德、張湧泉、黃德威、黃麗玲



Culturing excellent broodfish of Japanese eel( Anguilla japonica), then the works oninduction of maturation, spontaneous spawning and larval rearing are to beimplemented. Effect of thyroxine on the hatching and larval development are to bestudied. We also intend to produce all-red tilapias and compare the growth ratesbetween newly imported and Taiwan-existing tilapias.Water temperature tolerance and artificial propagation of ( Spinibarbus hollandi)are tobe studied. Besides,we will test the tolerance of ( Kuhlia rupestris) on water temperature,dissolved oxygen levels and salinity.