

  • 日期:93-06-18
  • 年度:2004
  • 領域:漁業領域
  • 主持人:陳慶聲
  • 研究人員:許明仁、曾照德、楊珮芬

1.執行水試一號、海富號、海建號及海安號等四艘試驗船一般之歲修及維護。2.預訂執行台灣東部及西南部深海未利用資源之漁場開發及試驗研究調查、台灣周邊海域漁場環境調查、台灣周邊海域之新漁場造成研究、鮪類資源調查與評估、台灣西南海域正櫻蝦生態與漁業管理之研究、台灣北部周邊海域拖網漁場調查、冷藍光集魚燈試板試驗、台灣東北海域浮游撓足類的季節變化及長期監測、澎湖海域溫、鎖管漁業資源之研究、燈火漁業管理及澎湖沿近海環境資源調查、台灣沿岸海域魚卵及仔稚魚資源調查與評估等研究計畫之海上驗航程。3.本計畫提供完善之海上測試船具後,方得使各試驗計畫落實執行,提高研究成果效益。4. 本計畫將試驗船之各項測試儀器整合後,其完善軟體可建立原始測試資料之資料庫,提高資訊服務品質,以利漁業科學之整合與利用。


1.Four research vessels of Fisheries Research Instituet namely:Fishery Rresearcher1,Hai-Fu, Hai-Chien, and Hai-An,their annual repair and maintenance have beenarranged in this year.2. All experimental projects have been designed as the exploitation and investigation ofthe underutilized deep-water fishery resources off eastern and southwestern Taiwan,environmental monitoring of fishing ground in the coastal waters around Taiwan,thecreation of fishing ground by deploying the FADs (Fish Aggregating Devices) in thecoastal waters of Taiwan,the investigation and stock assessment on tunas around watersoff Taiwan,ecology and resource management sergestid shrimp (SERGIALUCENS)in the coastal waters of southwestern Taiwan,a study on the fisheriersresources of baby bottom trawler in northern waters of Taiwan,test of LED fishinglamps, seasonal fluctuation and long-term monitoring on planktonic copepods in thenortheastern waters off Taiwan,studies on herring and squid fisheres resources in Peng-Hu waters,the investigation of the fisheries resources in the waters offPescadores,investigation and assessment of the resources of fish eggs and larval in thecoastal waters of Taiwan,and etc..3. This project will offer a series trial of the four vessels after repaired procedures, andalso to let all the investigation could be conducted completely and improve theireffectiveness of the study results.4. After integrate all the experimental instruments and computer link for each reseachvessel, we can use them easily and compleble on marine fishery science study.