

  • 日期:93-06-18
  • 年度:2004
  • 領域:漁業領域
  • 主持人:陳文義

本計畫主要為確實掌握東部海、漁況訊息,有效開發東部海域鬼頭刀資源,在國際採漁業責任制度下,提昇漁業競爭力。本年度重要工作項目如后(1)新港魚市場抽樣量取鬼頭刀體長資料;(2)收集鬼頭刀漁獲量資料;(3)依漁船別及漁具別探討鬼頭刀單位漁獲努力量之標準化。建立東部海域完整的水文資料庫,確實了解鬼頭刀歷年漁獲量變動趨勢與目前的漁業現況,有系統的整理與分析,作為未來訂定總允許可捕獲量的參考資料為其預期效益二.高度洄游性魚類資源調查、評估研究-雲嘉地區沿岸海域斑節蝦資源保育之研究育成體型3-5 cm稚蝦100萬尾及型12-15cm成蝦1萬尾,以供放流。並依1000:1(放流蝦總數:標識蝦尾數)的比例進行標識放流蝦。同時採樣檢定粒腺體DNA,建立放流蝦之DNA資料。透過斑節蝦種苗量產、中間育成及標識放流,以保育雲嘉地區沿岸海域斑節蝦資源。三.鮪類資源調查與評估持續進行延繩釣漁獲試驗及鮪類仔稚魚調查,並由CTD、ADCP所記錄各水層海流流向及溫鹽變化解析鮪類的來游行進路線、棲息水深,以了解及蒐集鮪類地理分布與海洋環境資訊,並於魚市場蒐集相關漁獲組成及進行鮪類體長測定,並將所蒐集資訊建立資料庫。(1)、南大西洋長鰭鮪資源,長期以來即為我國所開發利用,我國也是本資源最主要的資源利用國。因此,經由系統性對本資源進行漁業生物學及資源動態研究,所得研究成果可提供國際漁業管理機構,作為制訂TAC等漁業管理措施的參考,並保障我國爭取鮪類漁獲配額之籌碼。(2)、太平洋黑鮪每年四月至七月間,洄游至我國東部海域,成為我國近海鮪延繩釣漁業最重要的漁獲魚種。經由鮪仔稚魚分布調查可瞭解其產卵場;經由表水溫衛星影像解析配合標本船作業資訊與試驗船現場進行的漁獲試驗與海洋觀測將可瞭解黑鮪洄游路徑變動(漁場)與海洋環境關係,可提供漁民作業參考。


一.鬼頭刀資源量之調查與評估This project is aiming to efficiently develop dolphin fish resources in the Eastern Taiwanby understanding precisely the environment and habitation information in order topromote the fishing industry within the structure of international fishing responsibility.The critical items are: 1. Sampling and measuring the length of dolphin fish in Hsin-Kang fish market; 2. Collect catches of dolphin fish; 3. Standering cpue of dolphin fishaccording to classification of fishing boat and fishing gear. In the end of the project weexpect to establish a complete data bank for the dolphin fish resources in the Eastern Taiwan, understand precisely the historical trend and current situation of dolphinfishfishing, and establish the TAC with the systematically collected and analyzed data.二.高度洄游性魚類資源調查、評估研究-雲嘉地區沿岸海域斑節蝦資源保育之研究The purpose of this project is to establish the techniques of stock enhancement along thecoastal of Yulin and Chiayi of kuruma prawn. The objectives are to establish the massproduction of seed, large-scale nursery, tagging techniques and to evaluate the effort ofreleasing of kuruma prawn. This year had obtained 1000 thousand 3-5 ㎝juvenile and10 thousand 10-15 ㎝adult prawn for releasing. Those were in 100:1 ratio for tagging.And analysis Mitochondria's DNA to establish DNA data of the releasing prawnpopulation.三.鮪類資源調查與評估Tuna resource is abundant in central-western Pacific Ocean. Moreover, the easternwaters off Taiwan are noted as the migrating route and potential spawning grounds forPacific bluefin tuna. To determine the spatial and temporal distributions of tunas larva,especially for bluefin tuna, yellowfin tuna and bigeye tuna; it is an important andessential study in tuna fisheries. After the following studies as: (1) collecting the fisheriesstatistics data, (2) measuring the fork length of tunas, (3) examining the geographicaldistribution of tunas larva and (4) analyzing the spawning biology of main tuna species,then with the knowledge of the oceanography, i.e., drifting of current and characteristicsof TS, the potential spawning grounds and fluctuations of the recruitment for tunas canbe inferred.