
溪哥魚(Zacco spp.)之復育研究─魚苗大量繁殖及培育試驗

  • 日期:93-06-18
  • 年度:2003
  • 領域:漁業領域
  • 主持人:劉富光
  • 研究人員:黃家富、彭弘光、黃德威



Zacco spp is an endemic freshwater fish that is widely distributed in the mountainstreams of Taiwan. Zacco are major fishing-sport fish in the river and it will develop aendemic ornamental fish. Fang et al.(1993) reported that there was a marked differencein breeding season between Zacco fish in Taiwan and Japan. In this study, the induceoocyte maturation and ovulation with different hormone and dose, natural matingbehavior and recuitment of juvenile fish will be investigated.