

  • 日期:93-06-24
  • 年度:2003
  • 領域:漁業領域
  • 主持人:陳文義
  • 研究人員:張集昇、何源興、陳哲明



The objectives of this study are: 1. Investigating the artificial propagation of abalonewith the aims to lower the cost of abalone farming and to promote the yield of abalone:To prevent abalone seeding diseases we will treat the propagation water with differentmethods and the difference between abalone breeding rates will be compared. We willalso seek the best suitable concentration of Trichloromethane (Masoten) to elminate thecopepod, which is detrimental to the seeding of abalone. 2. Investigating thepropagation and culture of migratory fishes: We will promote the quality of the eggs byfeeding the migratory fishes with fresh trash fish, krill, and squid and will facilitatenatural spawning through artificial hastening maturity of sex. 3. Investigating thepropagation and culture of appreciated fishes and reef fishes of high economic values.4. Investigating the environment and abalone stocks in abalone protection areas: Wewill investigate the environment of the protection areas, and judge the abalone stocks bythe integral calculus of unit area. 5. To enhance the operation and management of theAquarium.The expected results and values: 1. Expect to reduce mass detaching and death ofabalone seedling. 2. Expect to add migratory fishes to the fish farming industry with thedeveloped propagating and culturing techniques, and to promote the stocks ofmigratory fishes in natural sea areas by releasing migratory fishes. 3. Expect to add reeffishes of high economic values and appreciated fishes to the fish farming industry withthe developed propagating and culturing techniques. 4. Expect to understand abalonestocks in the Eastern sea area so that it can be used as a reference for abalone releasingin future. 5. Expect to operate and manage the Aquarium smoothly.