
漁業技術知識之應用 (III)

  • 日期:100-04-13
  • 計畫編號:100農科-6.1.1-水-A1
  • 年度:2011
  • 領域:農業電子化領域
  • 主持人:陳高松

A. 建立觀賞魚主題網站及典藏資料庫
B. 持續本所出版品與館藏文獻數位化;
C. 持續擴充農委會農業知識庫衛星系統與本所水產技術文獻全文檢索系統內容。利用網際網路提供本所數位化與多媒體水產技術資訊,藉由本所網站散佈各種水產資訊與技術以達到水產教育之目的,並帶動台灣漁業產業的知識發展。建立觀賞魚主題網站,提供民眾更豐富多元觀賞魚資訊來源,預計每年


This project is to upgrade the FRI's web site with mobilized version to serve more people through internet connetion and continues to digitize fisheries information to disseminate fisheries knowledge. This year the project will make a web site and database about ornamental fish, digitize publications and referneces with PDF electronic books, built contents of coral in COA's agricultural theme web site, and publish FRI & apos;s monthly electronic ePaper.