
台灣西南海域底棲魚類資源時空變動與永續 利用之研究—Ⅲ

  • 日期:104-02-26
  • 計畫編號:103農科-11.2.1-水-A1(1)
  • 年度:2014
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:吳春基
  • 研究人員:吳龍靜、陳玟妤、許明樹、陳羿惠、何珈欣、黃星翰、黃建智、賴繼昌、陳秋月、 張麗美、吳春基

黑䱛為台灣西南海域拖網漁業重要經濟魚種之一,為探究該魚種生物特性,利用生殖腺外觀判斷生殖期數、組織切片、生殖腺指數等方法。得知,黑䱛生殖盛期為3~5月,性比(雌魚數/全部樣本數)為0.40,雌雄魚50%性成熟體長分別為309.68mm TL與243.73 mm TL,產卵場分布於梓官至高雄港及枋寮至楓港二個海域。
本次實驗利用浮游生物網採集生物, 本次研究總動浮豐度為1 1 6 8 . 2 4g/1000m3,總仔稚魚豐度為896 ind./1000m3,第一優勢物種為Myctophidae (燈籠魚科)的七星魚(Benthosema pterotum),其豐度為257ind./1000m3,佔全部魚種的28.71%。
有關台灣西南海域經濟性蟹類組成,本年度共採集1017蟳蟹樣本,包含歸類為1科9種,分別為梭子蟹科紅星梭子蟹(Portunus sanguinolentus)、遠海梭子蟹(Portunus pelagicus)、鏽斑蟳(Charybdis feriatus)、善泳蟳(Charybdis natator)、銀光梭子蟹 (Portunus argentatus)、晶瑩蟳 (Charybdis lucifera)、鈍齒短漿蟹(Thalamita crenata)、異齒蟹(Charybdis anisodon)、斑點短漿蟹(Thalamita picta)


This study reported the length-frequency distributions of 16 economic fishes caught by the vessel of Fishery Research II and fishing boat. We also measured the seasonal catch data of each fishing zone. The dominant
fish was Psenopsis anomala (32%) in spring, Priacanthus macracanthus (39.04%) in summer, Uroteuthis chinensis (36.41%) in autumn and Priacanthus macracanthus (20.26%) in winter. Besides, the dominant species was uneconomic fish (60.1%) in Tung-kang, but fish (58.6%) in
Tzguan. The black croaker (Atrobucca nibe) is one of the important commercial species for trawl fishery in Southwestern waters off the Taiwan. This study aims to understand the reproductive biology of black croaker based on the macroscopic appearance, histological examination of ovary,gonadosomatic index. the result shows the spawning season of black croaker is during March to May and the sex ratio is 0.40 (Female/Total).
We observed the sizes of 50% maturity (L50)was 243.73 mm TL in male and 309.68 mm in female.Our survey indicated the spawning ground of black croaker was along the coast from Tzguan to kaohsiung port and from Fangliao to Fongkung.We collected the zooplankton and larval fish data using the ORI net.The abundance of zooplankton was 1168.24 g/1000m3 and abundance of larval fish was 896 ind./1000m3. The dominate species was Benthosema pterotum had 257 ind./1000m3, representing 22.61% of the total sample.The resources composition of economic crabs was belonging to 1 families and 9 species, including、Portunus sanguinolentus、Portunus pelagicus、Charybdis feriatus、Charybdis natator、Portunus argentatus、Charybdis lucifera、Thalamita crenata、Charybdis anisodon in southwestern waters off the Taiwan .