
台灣沿海海域海洋環境、浮游生物及底棲生 物多樣性監測

  • 日期:104-03-05
  • 計畫編號:103農科-11.2.1-水-A2(2)
  • 年度:2014
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:葉信明
  • 研究人員:翁進興、賴繼昌、楊清閔、陳玟妤、陳羿惠、黃星翰、何 珈欣、許明樹、陳秋月

屏東縣枋山與高雄市梓官沿海生物群聚中魚種豐度及生物量的比較顯示七星底燈魚大量分布於枋山沿海生態系,但高雄市梓官沿海數量稀少。另碳、氮穩定同位素比值顯示七星底燈魚為食物鏈中最底層的魚類。因豐度及生物量的優勢,故七星底燈魚可能為屏東縣枋山沿海生態系的關鍵物種之一。由Ecopath生態系模式摸擬枋山沿海七星底燈魚大量漁撈造成的影響指出,七星底燈魚的減少造成底棲性魚類的豐度減少。另七星魚從生態系的大量漁撈,使小型表水層魚類的豐度增加。生態模式的結果與拖網調查魚類豐度的長期變動趨勢相同。自2008年以來,屏東縣枋山沿海底拖漁業資源之魚類個體數、種數和生物量並無太大的變化趨勢 (魚類相對豐度有改變的趨勢),由分析結果看來其漁業壓力仍然很高,且各魚種的L50偏低,原因可能和沒有管制網目大小而捕獲過小的魚有關。


Comparison of the species composition of benthos in the 10 and 100 m depths of coastal waters between Fanshan, Pintung County and Zihguan, Kaohsiung City revealed that high abundance and biomass of Benthosema pterotum is one of the keystone species in the coastal water at Fanshan, Pintung County. The low stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen revealed that this species has lower food chain status in food web to be consumed by many predatory species. The high landings of Benthosema pterotum indirectly reduce the abundance of demersal fish from ecosystem, and the abundance of epipelagic species is increasing. This trend of fish abundance matched the time series trends of fish abundance in the landing of bottom trawl surveys at Fanshan, Pintung County. From 2008, the richness, abundance, biomass, diversity indices, and multivariate analyses of fish community did not show any statistically significant trend over year. However the fisheries stress is persist in high level, the L50 is still low. Mesh regulation may be the resolution for sustainable fisheries.