
經濟性珊瑚礁魚類族群遺傳結構及生物學研 究

  • 日期:104-03-05
  • 計畫編號:103農科-11.2.1-水-A3(3)
  • 年度:2014
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:陳高松
  • 研究人員:蕭聖代、謝恆毅、張志堅、吳瑞賢、曾振德、劉姵妤、陳佳香

本計畫針對橫紋鱠Cephalopholis boenak及豹鱠Plectropomus leopardus兩種重要經濟性珊瑚礁魚類的族群遺傳變異、成長速率、生殖腺發育週期進行試驗,俾利提供漁業資源評估與人工繁養殖技術建立之參考資料,各項實驗結果如下:
(一) 共計採集406尾橫紋鱠及59尾豹鱠進行各項實驗工作。
(二) 橫紋鱠之微衛星基因座分析結果顯示,萬里、淡水、新竹、澎湖及台東的橫紋鱠幾乎無族群分化 (Fst < 0.05),顯示該魚種的遺傳歧異度仍高,且無顯著的自交,有高度基因交流。顯示該魚種的數量仍相當豐富,未來進行漁業資源保育管理時應視為同一族群。
(三) 橫紋鱠的生殖腺發育研究中,共計採集、製成組織切片後判讀並紀錄之橫紋鱠共計369尾,其中發生性轉變者有73尾、雄魚50尾、雌魚246尾,雌雄比約為4.92:1。生殖腺指數(GSI)雌、雄魚月別變化方面,從2013年4月至2014年10月,呈波動起伏變化,共有三個波峰帶有5個高值出現。
(四) 不同區域所採集到的橫紋鱠個體成長速率不同。南海海域的個體每月成長速率,體長的部分4.51%;而體重的部分則是18.84%;在內海或北海海域的個體每月成長速率,體長的部分1.99%;而體重的部分則是9.32%。
(五) 橫紋鱠在人工環境養殖的成功率頗高,實驗採集、飼育過程發現個體死亡率極低、對於各式人工或生鮮餌料的接受度高、抗病性亦佳,因此橫紋鱠活體飼養的可能性高。
(六) 豹鱠之粒線體控制區基因分析結果顯示澎湖野生個體、本所種原庫內繁殖之個體及菲律賓宿霧與巴拉望等地之所有個體可分為兩群,具有明顯的遺傳變異,其因為可能為不同產卵群並存或其他的隔離機制。
(七) 於澎湖地區15處海域設置連續溫度記錄器,每個紀錄地點分別紀錄8,760筆水溫現地資料,共計131,400筆。水溫連續記錄的資料可以發現大致的趨勢,澎湖南部海域的年均溫、最高水溫及最低水溫都較高,越往澎湖內海以及北部海域則越低。


In this study, the population genetic variation, GSI Index, growth rate and aquaculture experiment of Chocolate hind Cephalopholis boenak and Coral trout Plectropomus leopardus were surveyed during 2012 to 2014. A total of 406 individual of C. boenak and 59 individual of P. leopardus were collected, which average length were 15.43±3.05 cm TL and 21.78±6.12 cm FL, average weight were 71.7±45.85 g. and 192±128.54 g, respectively. Additionally, the SST of 15 sites around Penghu was also recorded by in situ SST logger. The detail results of each experiment were as following:
1. Genetic variation of C. boenak
The whole genome sequence of C. boenak was determined by NGS method and 15 microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized. After Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and Linkage Disequilibrium tests, only 11 loci primers were labeled with fluorescent and used to analysis the genetic variation. The result revealed that all C. boenak among sample sites almost had no genetic differentiation exist (Fst < 0.05) and could have high level gene flow. It suggest that C. boenak could have an abundant population and should be viewed as one metapopulation.
2. GSI Index and gonad development
A total of 369 specimens of C. boenak were used to histological processing and GSI Index calculation. The numbers of transitional, female and male were 73, 50 and 246, respectively. Female to male ratio was about 4.92:1. The GSI Index of both sex revealed fluctuation monthly, but male had peak value of 0.32 in July and female had peak value of 2.14 in June.
3. Aquaculture experiment and growth rate
The C. boenak individual collected different area in Penghu performed different growth rate. The individual from southern area had higher growth rate (4.51% length; 18.84% weight) than northern area (1.99% length; 9.32% weight). It could result from: (1) different genetic clades, even cryptic species exist; (2) different life stage and some social behavior related to reproduction.
4. Observation of reproduction behavior and probability of aquaculture
The mortality of C. boenak reared in artificial environment was low and they could easy to accept different artificial or fresh meal and had good anti-disease physique. However, it needed to prevent damage by water pressure changed immediately when fishing.
5. Genetic variation of P. leopardus
According to the results of mtDNA control region sequence, it revealed that there were 2 distinctly genetic clades existed in Penghu, Philippine (Cebu and Palawan) and aquaculture individual in PH research center. It could result from different spawning population or some hydrographic isolation mechanism. Further studies are needed to confirm these finding and be applied to management of fishery resource and broodstock population in PH research center.
6. SST record and analysis in Penghu
SST loggers were set up in 15 sites at depth of 6 m from Mudo islet to Chimei islet in Penghu and SST was recorded with an interval with one hour. Amount to 8,760 records in each site, and a total of 131,400 records of SST were collected during July 2013 to Aug 2014. The result showed that south sector had the higher SST than north and inner sectors, regardless of either the highest SST or the lowest SST. Donggi islet had the highest annual SST with value of 24.76℃, while Chungkwang had the lowest annual SST with value of 23.05℃.