

  • 日期:104-03-10
  • 計畫編號:103農科-11.3.5-水-A1
  • 年度:2014
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:城振誠
  • 研究人員:城振誠、鄭明忠、何源興、陳彥愷、王崧華

建置高價觀賞魚蝦種原培育系統,培育5對種魚及20對種蝦。進行黑邊公子種魚管理及幼苗培育試驗,種魚每次產卵數介於500 - 800顆左右,幼苗培育25天後成為稚魚。同時進行油彩蠟膜蝦種蝦管理及蝦苗培育試驗。雌蝦每次孵化蝦苗數量介於483-6538隻。孵化時間在水溫24.0 ℃為23天;30.1℃為12天。大部分的蝦苗會在孵化後36-60天變態為後期蝦苗。完成高價小丑魚及觀賞蝦之種苗生產技術研發,產出1000尾高價觀賞魚及500隻觀賞蝦。


Set up system for breeding high value marine ornamental fish and shrimp broodstock, than breeding 5 pair of fish and 20 pair of shrimp. Manage broodstock, and larvae reproduce of Amphiprion percula. The number of each female spawn varied from 500 to 800 eggs. larvae developing to junior at 25 DPH(day per hatch). In the meantime manage broodstock shrimp, and larvae reproduce of Hymenocera picta. The larvae were hatched at 12 days after spawning under30.1 ℃ or at 23 days under24.0 ℃. The number of larvae of each female hatched varied from 483 to6538. Most larvae developing to postlarvae at 36-60 DPH. Research and development of mass production technique to reproduction 1000 juvenile of high value marine ornamental fish and 500 juvenile shrimp.