

  • 日期:108-02-10
  • 計畫編號:108農科-9.5.2-水-A1(4)
  • 年度:2019
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:宋嘉軒
  • 研究人員:蕭聖代、陳高松、陳佳香

文蛤為臺灣重要經濟水產貝類,屬於軟體動物門雙殼綱簾蛤科文蛤屬。但進行物種 分類時很難只依其外殼形態判別,必須搭配DNA序列資料,目前粒線體基因可提供母 系相關遺傳資訊,但父系相關資料仍缺乏,本計畫利用NGS進行ITS基因定序,進行 父系遺傳資訊的建立,結果顯示臺灣產文蛤應非純種,具有一定程度的雜交狀況。 透過非致命性採樣技術自文蛤殼皮及組織碎屑進行採樣,可完成DNA萃取、PCR及 DNA定序,順利取得序列數據,並可從民國67年文蛤殼皮中進行採樣分析,顯示殼皮 可長期保存DNA。粒腺體基因序列分析顯示,臺灣產文蛤與日本產M. lusoria區分成 兩群,代表臺灣產文蛤與與日本產M. lusoria應為兩個物種。


Hard clams is one of the important farmed shellfish in Taiwan. It belongs to the phylum Mollusca, class Bivalvia, order Veneroida, family Veneridae. Only depending on the shell morphology is difficult to identify them correctly. However, much of the clam classification to date is based on shell characteristics. In order to identify them correctly, we have to work with DNA sequence data. At present, the mitochondrial gene can provide the maternal genetic information, but the paternal information is still unclear. This project is to establish the paternal genetic information of ITS gene by next generation sequencing. The results show the hard calms is not purebred and hybrid in certain extent in Taiwan. We can get the DNA sequece information by the non-lethal sampling technique. Furthermore, the DNA can be extracted from the 1987's shell periostracum. The analysis of mtDNA sequence show the hard clams form Taiwan and Japan were clustered into two groups. This means that the hard clams from Taiwan and Japan's M. lusoria should be two species.