

  • 日期:110-08-02
  • 計畫編號:109農科-9.5.3-水-A1(1)
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:張凱傑
  • 研究人員:陳榮華、陳建彰

本計畫主要目的為遺傳雄性吳郭魚(GMT)、新雜交吳郭魚(NH)和訪間市售吳郭魚 (GIFT品系) 成長、性別比例及肉質特性做比較試驗,了解台灣主要養殖吳郭魚品系 養殖特性及優勢,提供業界作為參考依據,以選擇最適合的放養品系。三種品系在 養殖全期平均體重以GIFT組增加最多;比成長率 (SGR) 以GMT組最高;每日平均增 重 (WG) 以GIFT品系組最高;飼料轉換率 (FCR) 則以NH品系組最低,為1.53。各試 驗組在平均活存率以NH組最低,為87.0%。全期總投餌量以GIFT組最多,而NH組最少 ,故以GIFT組所需飼料成本最多。換算魚隻增每增重一公斤所需花費之飼料成本以 NH組最低,為2.71元。三種品系中以NH組雄性比例最高,為99.5%;GIFT最低,為 81.0%。肉質試驗結果上,硬度、咀嚼性以GIFT組最高,且與GMT有顯著差異;彈性 、 膠著性、 黏聚性及回復性亦是GIFT組最高,但各組間無顯著差異;剪力則以 NH組最高,與各組間無顯著差異。魚片脂質部分以NH組最高;而GIFT組的水分含量 最高。取肉率比較上以NH組最高,為33.4%,GIFT為最低。


This study was conducted to compare the growth,  sex ratio and fillet characteristics of genatic male tilapia (GMT), new hybrid tilapia (NH) and commercially tilapia (GIFT strain), respectively.  The heaviest body weight and highest daily weight were found in the GIFT group, while the specific growth rate of the GMT group was higher than others through out the experimented  period. Survival of the NH group (87.0%) was lower than the groups of GIFT and GMT. However, the better feed conversion rate was found in the NH group than other groups. The fish of GIFT group ingested more feed, consequently the feed cost  nereased. On the other hand, the feed cost per kg weight gain was the lowest in the NH group. The sex ratio of the NH group (99.5%) was higher than thatof the GIFT group (81.0%). The results of texture test in dieated that the highest hardness and chewiss was observed at fillet of the GIFT group, meanwhile the shearforce of the NH groug was higher than that of the other groups. The crude fat of the fillet of NH group significantly higher than that of  the GIFT group, in contrast, higher moisture was found in the GIFTT group. Regarding the fillet yield, the NH gruop was significantly higher than the groups of GMT or GIFT.