

  • 日期:110-08-02
  • 計畫編號:109農科-9.5.3-水-A1(3)
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:曾福生
  • 研究人員:杜金蓮、姜其平

本所已建立的海水吳郭魚TFS品系,但成長和體型不如市面上尼羅品種,因此,為改 良吳郭魚的海水適應能力,本研究以海水吳郭魚TFS品系和尼羅系統的紅色TsRn品系 作為親本,逐代建立正反雜交F1,自交F2和回交BC1F1觀察這些後代在海水(33 psu)適 應之分離比,推測海水(33 psu)適應可能由兩個顯性等位基因控制。為選殖該關聯 等位基因標誌,利用逢機幅多型性DNA(Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA ; RAPD)配合分離群的建立,從該群選殖具差異的基因標誌利用80個指紋分析找出具 有多型性之RAPD基因座4個,分別轉成序列特徵增幅區域(Sequence Characterized Amplified Region;SCAR)基因座,SCAR550、SCAR400和SCAR300顯示其在TFS和TFS x TsRn多型性,預計本研究可建立在海水適應的F1正反雜交,F2作為海水適應的基因標 誌選殖、優化和定位,以提高篩選率效及育種時程。


We built TFS sea tilapia strains, but not as good as the market size and growth of the Nile tilapias. Therefore, to improve the seawater adaptability of tilapia, we bred TFS strain and the red TsRn strain from the Nile system, then established forward and diallel crossing F1, inbreeding F2 and first backcross generation BC1F1. Observing the separation of the proportion of seawater (33 psu) adapt to these offsprings, we hypothesize that there are two dominant alleles involved in tilapia in seawater adaptation. Use the establishment of segregation groups and randomized polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technology to select associated gene markers. Using fingerprint analysis of 80 sets of loci, we checked genetic markers with differences and identified 4 RAPD loci with polymorphism, and then further applied Sequence Characterized Amplified Region (SCAR) technology to establish SCAR550, SCAR400, and SCAR300, and proved its polymorphic difference between TFS and TFSxTsRn. This study successfully established a full cross F1 and inbreeding F2 that can be adapted to seawater. In addition, the selection, optimization, and positioning of associated gene markers adapted to seawater can effectively improve the screening efficiency and shorten the breeding time.